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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by EM6285

  1. Speaking of CHINA. Our GOVERMNENT ordered the recall of some products that are MADE IN CHINA. 1-TOOTH PASTE (Yes it is poissoned) 2-Some Brands of TOYS (Paited with paints that contain LEAD) 3-Some "GENERIC" PARTS for Cars and TRUCKS. (LOW QUALITY PARTS) Thanks CHINA!!!!!!! Now I know why the Chinesse Economy is BOOMING!!!! They built everything CHEAP and do not have QUALITY CONTROL. AMERICA... How many jobs are you going to let CHINA take from you??????/
  2. To see all the true about that BIG LIE called "GLOBAL WARMING" now "CLIMATE CHANGE" please go to www.theclimatescam.com and educate yourself and spread the word. www.theclimatescam.com
  3. Looks like the door windows are "bigger" on the TERRA-PRO DUMP TRUCK and more "smaller"on the yelllow one. Is this an option ? Can I spec the size of the door windows? I thought about how does the MR TERRA PRO will look like if it has he same slanted window style as other MACK TRUCKS like the Granite or PINNACLE. TERRA PRO sure needs those slanted window style and a more modern pair of mirrors
  4. Hello to all of you my friends. Well I nedd some advice regarding something about the MACK TERRA PRO. Will this MACK TERRA-PRO onlly be available as a FRONT LOADER (REFUSE INDUSTRY) and CONCRETE PUMP UNIT (CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY) I also have seen some old MACK MR that are what you call ROLL-ON /ROLL-OFF trucks. I am interested to know if I can spec a MACK TERRA-PRO to be a DUMP, FLAT BED or even a BULK FEED TANK truck. I drove an old MACK MR (1983) powered by a MACK EM6 285 HP and that 2 stick gear box. This truck had a WARREN BULK FEED TANK over it. The WARREN BULK FEED TANK was newer than the truck.
  5. I thought I put the main in 1 and the other in LO so I throw 5 grars in LO then split-shift to HIGH and return to 1st and threw the rest shifts in HIGH. But I love the fact that I can throw 5 grars in reverse.
  6. Hello to all of you guys It is me your good ol' friend from PUERTO RICO. Guys I just got my hnds on a R Truck with a 2-STICK Gear-Box.... Owner told me that one stick is for shifting 1, 2, 3, 4 AND 5 and the other stick has LO-HI and REVERSE. He told me that If I gear into REVERSE, I can throw the 5 speed gears using the "5-speed stick" Only thing I want to know is that if I put the LO gear and I throw the 5 gears on the other shift stick...In my next shift throw I have to go neutral get the HIGH gear in and then shift back ti 1ST on the other stick ? How do I shift this one ? I need to take this truck for a ride... By the way I LOVE the idea of shifting 5 gears in reverse !!!!!SWEET.....
  7. MACK R600 RACERS. Paito's Transport STREET RACE MACK R600 ( 16 seconds on 1/4 mile.) BALLETA RACING MACK R600
  8. MACK TRUCKS INC R-MODEL is one legendary truck. This trucks are true performers because they still work hard every day. I like the looks of MACK R Trucks. They are unique in design. Here are some pictures about some nice MACK R models at our DIESEL NATIONALS. This is a tribute to the MACK R TRUCK and I want to share my memories with all of you my friends. Come to PUERTO RICO to our DIESEL NATIONALS on NOVEMBER 2008!!!!!!! This is a nice MACK R Dump Truck with that MACK EM6 engine rated at 285 HP is stills working on the road every day. Can your Detroit Diesel claim that? MACK R600 Tractors.
  9. Most MACK RB Trucks are "straigth trucks" and we have RB DUMP, ROLL-OFF, AND CONCRETE MIXER (IN BOTH FORMS) here. I have seen one RB FLATBED truck carryng its own forklift and RB TRUCK with a crane.
  10. After reading that, I just want to cry!!!!!!! A sad story that this legendary TRUCKS came to an end. But they will still work hard on the road no matter what....
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