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Stretched out

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About Stretched out

  • Birthday 06/21/1989


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    Trucking, excavating,farming
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  1. First pic is minimizer. I'll have to take good pic of truck with fleet engineer for you
  2. I have used them on a few tandem trucks and they are good fenders. I don't know what color you want but I ordered red and definetly not happy with the 2 month wait to get red. So I started getting minimizer fenders with fleet engineer brackets
  3. Appreciate it. Once I get it all together and ready for paint I'll post some pics of the build
  4. No vent not usable. To line the brackets up identical to passenger side have to plate the vent and extend the front of cowl panel to mount in same spots. I just used 1/4" flat metal on inside of the cowl to reinforce it. Everything good and sturdy. Only thing may do is shim the top bracket. The breather follows cab line so it throws it about 1/4" out of square. Can't notice unless you know or really focus on it
  5. Well it took a while to get on but got both breathers braced and mounted.
  6. Could you get me pics of what louvre sizes are and what are thinking on price
  7. I do understand that. I will probably just go with original turbo
  8. Two diff Mack dealers around here. One $5700, one was was 7k for inframe kit and reman heads. Waiting on a call back for pai and ipd prices. Do you know if the e9 turbo will work on the e7
  9. The draft tube on top is wet as well if that tells you anything also
  10. I'm sending the inter cooler off as it has few spot where fins are shoved in. Likely will need replaced. Where is my best bet to get an in frame kit and reman heads. Waiting for price from Mack but didn't know if there is better place or not. Also I read on here before that an e9 turbo will work on an e6. Will it also work for e7 or is it that even recommended. Not worried about getting more power out of it. But figured I would check into it if it doable while it's all tore apart
  11. Yeah that is a combs grill superdog. They are $500. I would really like to find a louvre style grill but I haven't had any luck with that
  12. No oil on air intake side and air filter seems to be clean. I just bought the truck so I have no idea of the history of it. Pulled pan and appears to have bearing rolled in as they are stamped but that's all I really know about it. I thought about going ahead and pulling head off and doing inframe. Already have charge air cooler and radiator out of the truck.
  13. Looking for different options for R model grill. Only aftermarket grill I can find is this one. Does anyone know of any other styles
  14. Turbo propellor was tight also
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