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Everything posted by wilbur

  1. Does it only do it when its hot and humid out? Mine did the same and they put a new file in it called a Smoke file, but the mileage got so bad I had them put the old file back in it
  2. Have to look for ya next time
  3. Nice Thank You
  4. Wow Sorry didnt know that,
  5. Was the truck Clean? Post the pic?
  6. Who do you haul for? What Truck?
  7. 2015 Superliner? They quit making them in like 1992
  8. You have to have all Brakes released to work
  9. Put in a word for me. 708 417 4920 , Thanks
  10. Does Stark ever have outside trucks bring in stone? Hook me up?
  11. Did anyone happen to click on the Link?
  12. I had a message on here and opened it ,this is what it said unbelievable Copied and Pasted. Hey. I'm Elsa. I'm 35 years old. I broke up with my boyfriend 6 months ago. Since that time, there has been no sex in my life. I'm looking for a man. I look forward to having sex at least once a day. Register using the link below and write to me. My nickname is sexyelsa41
  13. Why Thank you. I shaved off 400 pounds with that exhaust. I can get out of quarry with 25 ton
  14. I probably talked to ya in the quarry. I got the white ch with silver flames.
  15. OK Stark redi mix What do you drive? next time I go by there I will look for ya and say hey. I always go that way on my way to M+K right down the street.
  16. Where at in the the heights? Thats where I live. Must be the steel plant off of east end
  17. Does anyone know the torque for the front spring shackle bolts on a 2000 CH.? Its the bolts that pinch the aluminum shackles on the spring pins. Thanks
  18. Thanks Swishy Thats what I did on the one that wasnt too bad I center punched it real good and used the green loktite brg retainer stuff. I might try the JB, I use that on the Straps when I reuse them. Thanks again
  19. Is there a way to have the inside of a yoke knurled to tighten up the bearing caps? other than cut it off and weld on a new one. Anyone have a solution for this. Thanks
  20. Thanks fjh
  21. The 8 5/8"bolts holding the housing to the block calls for a torque of 170# I read the torque wrench wrong and put 190 on them. Should I replace the bolts or will it be ok.? Thanks
  22. To use between the bell housing and block.? Its a 2000 E7 460. Last time I put a clutch in was about 15 yrs ago and I think I used that Mack Grey stuff. Is there something better? preferably in a 14oz. tube to use in a gun Thanks
  23. The Diesel Store has the best price on EUPs
  24. Never thought about the wheel being good for 9,000#. What if I bought 9 x 22.5 wheels with a 0 offset and the 315/80 tires would that work as a super single on a 22' dump trailer.
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