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Everything posted by wilbur

  1. Part # 116QS544M or 166QS544M3. Don't have to be new, just in decent shape. I ordered 2 new ones but they had a problem with the manufacture and the were made wrong. They are telling me 6 mo. to get.
  2. You don't adjust them on the overlap stroke. If 1@6 are in the window on flywheel housing,check #1 to see if one is tight and one is loose [overlap\ if it is adjust #6 or visa versa. once you get that done you can go in sequence with the firing order. Overlap is when one valve is opening the other is closing, do not adjust on this stroke. The cylinders need to add up to 7. #I on overlap ,adjust 6. #3 on over lap adjust 4. and so on. Once you get the 1st cylinder done whatever number it might be you can just follow the firing order.
  3. Im looking to purchase a set for a 2000 CH 613 SFA. I cant find them anywhere, Do they still make them? Any Pro"s or Con's Im looking to shed some weight.
  4. The 2007 are different, I need from 2004 and down, the 2005 and up are different. Thanks for the reply though
  5. Or a right hand plastic end
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