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Everything posted by wilbur

  1. 133167 Thanks
  2. I talked to the guy at Mack that did the download and he said that was probably the cause of the mileage to go down. And he also said the file cant be removed once its installed. What do you think is he strokin me.? I would think it could be over written but just guessin. Mack technician can you help.? Please.
  3. Just software
  4. So which is the culprit and how do i fix it.? Another download.?
  5. Seems like when they loaded the smoke file is when my mileage went from 5 to 4.5. Its either that file or the new EUPs
  6. Should be on oil filter housing .
  7. The gap you are talking about is when the box is all the way up.? If so thats normal.
  8. Update now have 3000 miles since eups and delta kit. All is good. Thanks every one for the help.
  9. There must be a way to do this.? Give us some part #s I wanna try too. but dont wanna cut into harness.
  10. Any trans will go over 40mph Are you sure its going into high range.?
  11. The 95# love of my life. Karen
  12. I will get a pic up tomorrow, but anyway I called liteflex today with no luck. They only made a few for my application and Mack scraped the whole idea, That was like 20yrs ago. All the tooling belonged to Mack and mack scraped that too. If anyone knows of a set hanging around somewhere let me know. I dont understand why mack didnt like them, the guy I talked to said they make a lot for Kenworth an Peterbuilt.
  13. Thanks guys. In 1970 she was 100# had 2 beautiful girls now shes 95# and adorable. Missing a few teeth that I like.
  14. Come on guys Im serious here. They did make em and I want 2. Besides never had one over 110 and that one was iffy. except she had a cute face.
  15. The fiberglass front springs for a CH.? Can u still get them.? Looking to shave a few pounds.
  16. All my torque rods are Atro. The ones that run front to back, i just replace the bushing. The side to side I have to buy whole rod. Now my mack dealer sells them.
  17. What about the fuel mileage.? Should it lose with new EUPs.? I was getting 5 now 4.5 mpg.
  18. I have a 2000 460 that is programmed to go to 2100. In the lower gears thats what I shift at.
  19. So now have 1800 miles on it and it is actually using oil now. I think the heat is evaporating the diesel that was in the oil now that the leak is fixed. Its actually down 1/8" in the 1800 miles. But since the new EUPs i lost 0.5 miles per gallon.
  20. Little hard to be sure with only 750 miles, but so far it didnt make any oil. Still dont know what fixed it.? delta orings or eups.
  21. Your right. now that i remember the plastic rings are made with the skinny side on the I.D. They will only fit the o ring one way. The skinny part of the triangle has to be on the o.d. Thank you.
  22. you sure.? skinny side of o ring to the block wide side of nylon to the block.? I sure hope so.
  23. Well after 750 miles it didnt gain any oil. But I think i put the Delta seals in backwards. I put the skinny side of the triangular o ring to the outside. and the wide part of the nylon to the outside.
  24. Yes replaced bolts that were a year old. Money wasted i think
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