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Everything posted by wilbur

  1. I got analysis back it was less than 0.50 % on fuel. So i guess i was worried about nothing.
  2. Sent one out on Mon. Thanks Maybe on a fresh rebuild some fuel is getting past the rings.?
  3. My dash lights are out also. Mother Board?
  4. Thanks Guys Im due for an oil change soon. I will check more after that. Thanks again im relieved.
  5. If all the O Rings were missing as in put in without them, how much do you think the oil will rise on the dipstick in say 1000 miles. I overhauled the engine and was not there the day my helper put the pumps in. They were all there in a box cleaned up minus O Rings. He said he installed them. After 1000 miles I picked up 1/16" of oil on the dipstick. I figure with the square inches of the oil pan a 1/16 has to be at least a quart. OPINIONS PLEASE Thanks Oh E7 460 2000 yr.
  6. On a 2000 ch 613. It works sometimes mostly not. If you hit the dash around the guage it will work for a while. I replaced the guage but no different. I was thinking about finding the wires in the main plug and soldering them to the clips the guage plugs into, to eliminate the circuit board. Your thoughts.? Thanks.
  7. The ones that go in the black fuse box on firewall by the steering shaft. part# 11MR318M2. Any where to buy a couple.?
  8. Looking for a few 11MR318M2
  9. What do you guys use between the 5th wheel and frame to seal out water. I took mine off and it was pretty nasty. Cleaned all the rust off and plan on using POR-15 to paint it. Looking for a good sealant to seal it.
  10. This has Hendrickson axles
  11. The trailer came with standard Q brakes. Thats what I always put on it. It has stock cams.
  12. I put new shoes on the trailer with old drums which were in good shape,hardly worn. The front shoe by the pin is only making contact on half the shoe. so what I mean is 3/4 of the whole shoe is making contact. I dont recall this before. The mechanic at Mack said it was normal that the whole shoe would make contact once it wore in. Is this correct or I have the wrong shoes? They are Merritor Qs 4515Q is on each shoe. This is what I always bought. Thanks
  13. They kind of snap in and has 2 1/8" roll pins in the side of the hanger.
  14. Underdog When testing at idle you need to hold the hot wire on there a few seconds before it will come on. If they dont I would start with the solenoid first. With the truck not running they should at least click.
  15. Its a 2000 ch. Do these just snap in or are they glued? Thanks
  16. Mine says on the radiator 3# which is 4 12oz. cans. 2000 CH 613
  17. I drilled a 1/4 in. hole depth of 5/16 deep on a 7/16 wall axle. It welded fine,no porosity at all. The trucks been sitting for a month so all the oil drained down.
  18. I got her fixed today. I made a u shaped groove 1/2in. x 5/16 deep. The axle is 7/16 wall. Filled that up and plated it. I used two plates on top and bottom of the seam weld and filled the center gap. Keeping fingers crossed
  19. The axle doctor came by and didn't want to do it. Paul ,do you think a Mig will handle the job or will the oil cause too much porosity.
  20. I have the Axle Surgeon coming out Wed. If that don't work its a new housing.
  21. Has anyone ever had any luck welding one. Its cracked along the stock weld seam. Every body I talk to says it last for a while but they end up with a new housing eventually. Thanks
  22. You should have whatever volts are in the battery at the head. The switch doesn't regulate voltage it just sends it to one head on low and both heads on hi. There should be resistance at the head {not sure how much} but the solenoid is basically a resistor. Its a coil that makes it a magnet.
  23. I once had the wire on the solenoid on one head come loose that made the Jake flutter and sometimes not work at all.
  24. 2000 CH SFA
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