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Everything posted by maint1

  1. Welcome
  2. Some of the most amazing pictures I've ever seen. Thanks grey hair! Didn't get video, just a series of really great pictures. Thanks
  3. Looks great, never worry about what others think about your truck, it's yours to enjoy. We have people come down to the museum and literally pick trucks apart. I figure they are probably not enjoying their day as much as I am mine.
  4. Looks really good. Your toy box just got a lot bigger. Maybe a landing strip right beside it for De Plane so we can see you at all the right coast shows?
  5. If that doesn't help, PM me and I will walk you thru one while I'm looking at it. I will send phone number. Dave
  6. Congratulations, nothing in the world like it.
  7. I don't know. I think I resemble those remarks. My current daily driver, and my last one.
  8. This was our starting point. I spent about a week blasting.
  9. Moving along slowly but surely. Dave
  10. Looking good Ron, Merry Christmas
  11. It has a 220 cummins and a married 5X3, has some rust, and the exhaust is flexpipe attached with rebar at the right rear spring hanger, just needs a little love.
  12. No word on it there was no reserve, on of those deals "announcements made day of sale", they are looking for significantly more than high bid.
  13. On my way back from Greensboro, went down and picked up the 52 Corbitt
  14. Great looking truck. I like it a lot! Nothing like a new project to get the blood pumpin.
  15. Spent the last three Saturdays with the Ftl, paint pretty oxidized, have the cab and left side of tank done, 2 grades of rubbing compound, then a finishing compound. It seems like it keeps gettin longer lol. Still have the trailer to go. Don't want it to look like a new truck, just bring back it's former looks.
  16. will see if I can get some details
  17. My boss went, bought one truck, was high bid on the tall boy, but seller refused high bid????? I thought it was absolute auction. Will get details Mon.
  18. Congratulations, looking foward to the pics. Dave
  19. Are you going to be there Brocky?
  20. Funwoodauction.com has the listing for Corbitts to be sold Dec.6th in Greensboro N.C. One of the best collection of Corbitts ever.
  21. Sorry for your loss, missed your posts, good to have you back.
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