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Everything posted by maint1

  1. I agree. Respect.
  2. Lady hit one of our trucks up in Minnesota, have to get it Tore up Tuesday. Put 5th wheel unit back on my ride. Hauled a load of freight to Little Rock In a Volvo it handeled nice and will turn on a dime
  3. I think I got it now????
  4. From the left coast to the right coast. Will send better ones when I get them cleaned up. Too cold today
  5. To fan solenoid should have wire from temp sender in block, and wire from high pressure A/C line. Check continuity on wire from temp sensor to solenoid it should be easy to get to. then disconnect other wire. See if problem persists. Not saying that it is problem, but it eliminates it
  6. At the fan switch you have wire from temp switch and high pressure switch. Disconnect high pressure wire. This will be better than removing belt. It is to kick fan on to reduce compressed head pressure. Take wire off and that will eliminate switch if faulty
  7. Does it have A/C ? High pressure switch will engage fan. Some if defroster is on A/C is on
  8. Sorry, new I phone don't get it yet
  9. My whole day was like this. (Montana Idaho line) Be glad to see Va. Next week. For 8 months they give you the money, for 4 months you have to earn it.;
  10. My whole day was like this. (Montana Idaho line) Be glad to see Va. Next week. For 8 months they give you the money, for 4 months you have to earn it.;
  11. My whole day was like this. (Montana Idaho line) Be glad to see Va. Next week. For 8 months they give you the money, for 4 months you have to earn it.;
  12. Without getting into rear or overdrive transmission, next taller size tire is best choice
  13. You must go better places than me. This is all I saw Jersey to Pa.
  14. We take ours out of the museum and go to shows, and parades. Have quite a few going to Springfield, I am going to try and get to the one in Macungie. I have never been to it. Having them and not driving them is like being married to a supermodel, but stay in your truck because you want to save her for the next guy.
  15. It was off Exit 127. The man there has a really nice collection of Internationals. several pickups a scout some tractors
  16. Here you go Mike. Here is one of the IH. Check out the Blade on the rear they used as a chock block for winching. I'll bet the old girl did some work in her day. I started out in 68 in a truck wrecker and still love them. Still do some towing with a fifth wheel unit.
  17. I picked it up in Hillsboro Tn. from a really nice guy named Mr. Brown. Got the K.B. s out of Wilkesboro. N.C.
  18. That is too funny. I'm stiil laughing
  19. no you are right they made trailers too, AT bought the trucking company which built them and continued it, and used the trucks. they are similar to a Corbitt. Aluminum cab.When I saw them I said RUFF.{ I mean rough.} I have trouble typing without all the right equipment. They are worth saving
  20. 47 Brown, IH KB 12 and KB 13 saved. 12 and 13 will make one truck, Brown will have to go on another chassis. Not too many around. I had never seen a Brown.
  21. Thanks, I'll do that.
  22. Yes,those are the ones, I have to make a trip this week and pick up 4 old ones, including a Brown which I have never seen one of. Next week I have to get one in California, and then I will Probably transport one of those, but Ive never hauled anything from Canada except freight, and that was back when you could get in with your birth certificate.
  23. There is a guy in Manitoba has some bighorns for sale, has anyone had any experience bringing an antique truck from Canada to US? Will have my passport, Title and Bill of sale. Will be on a tractor and 53 ft trailer, any advice would be helpful. Be a month or so. Thanks
  24. I agree with you. Especially the welcoming part. Never been to a site that welcomes all people more.
  25. Progress is slow on the B30 mostly parts. Have a lot of crossover part numbers I would like to post to help someone else,but don"t know the best way.
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