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Everything posted by maint1

  1. Yes, I remember that, It was a good weekend. That Emeryville is one of my favorite trucks.
  2. Looking for a source on parts to overhaul EN331 Gas
  3. Yep your all right. It is long when you drive it.
  4. I met you once, I was working in the truck shop. It is used as a stage for bands when there is an event. A lot of Diamond Ts added this year. I think 5.
  5. Look forward to meeting you. Should be a good time
  6. Part # 38 MO2161P1 Off line setting ticket they may be just marker, but are bullet shaped
  7. Am working on 57 B30, they are original metal chrome with glass inserts
  8. Hope you can see attachments
  9. Looks really good. The 275 supercharged must have been more popular in the west. We have 2 Macks and an Emeryville that have it. all western trucks. Not so many Ive seen from east
  10. Yes, also got 48 Peterbilt wrecker from the same area, I like the Mack a lot.
  11. Yes, I just got back from Nevada. Picked up a nice 55 LTH Log truck and trailer. Taking a few days off.
  12. My name is Dave. I work as a truck mechanic and driver for a tractor and truck museum in Va. I am always on the hunt for parts and info on antique trucks. I saw an article on the web about a truck I picked up in Nevada for the museum, it led me here. have found a lot of helpful info. Currently working an a frame off 1957 B30X. Thanks Dave
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