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Everything posted by maint1

  1. Got the first load ready today and half the second.
  2. Darn it, you would have won that bet, Mr Hancock, engine runs real good now, but the oil cooler came without a gasket (cooler to Head) I made one out of gasket material, I don't think it was thick enough to compensate for old surfaces, got one on order, but it looks like a red oval is going to have to lead the parade to Athens😢
  3. Made a little progress, hope to blow a little smoke Friday night.
  4. No, I'm a mechanic and driver ,minor body work only.
  5. Hope you are feeling better soon
  6. I'm feeling good, maybe a small wager among friends? I'll have parts Monday afternoon. Are you going?
  7. Used a rubber mallet, cut in half, turned on lathe to fit housing drilled for spacer and bolt, cut piece of rubber dock bumper for top. Success
  8. Was going to put a head gasket and oil cooler on the Diamond T, found a hairline crack in a piston, so here we go again
  9. Was hoping to get the inner bushing as well, but may have to do as you are suggesting.
  10. I will look at one today, thanks Mike.
  11. Need some help with a part number for bushing kits and bolts for the quadraplex trans Mack said good luck, but I have seen the single 7/8 style supports on later model tracks, thanks for any help you could give me. Part number on Transmission side is 158GB376-A
  12. Thank you,that's great
  13. No I don't have any, I liked it before as well. Talked to Jerry yesterday, he had a good time there. Hopefully will make a good driver for Keith.
  14. I don't know what type of Bluetooth you have, but mine has a button you hold down, it finds and lists the device, then you choose that device and sync with it. Hope that helps, Welcome to BMT
  15. Steering worked out good, hope to finish up next weekend, would like to take it up to Athens,Ontario next month.
  16. Sorry, I misread your post and thought one of them was Mack, they have the shorter input and use the snap ring.
  17. It is not a difficult swap, the Fuller has a longer input shaft, and you cannot use the snap ring on the pilot bearing as the input shaft will press forward on the flywheel and take out the thrust washers on the crank. The pilot bearing must be flush with flywheel.
  18. Looking forward to this
  19. I like it a lot, the price changed the drools to tears.
  20. You are right, had to go back to Canada for the sale
  21. Had a great stop at The Iowa 80 Truck Museum, the great thing about these cell phones is you never run out of film, for those on FB they are in the Iowa 80 Album. If you want I'll put them here, but I think someone already did? Dave Coutu on FB with the Pete for the picture. Be home tomorrow nite.
  22. Don't know much about fire trucks, but here are some, the worst part is the end, but still have a great 3,000 mile trip home, life doesn't get much better.As Swishy says " See Ya"
  23. And the final answer is " started life as a Mixer" per owner, sweet truck
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