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Everything posted by maint1

  1. Suzie is doing very well, we lost our youngest daughter in Jan. and we haven't been out much, have about 5 projects going on at the musum, and getting ready for Oregon. Going to drive the 54 Diamond T with 3 diamond t on trailer. Have to put stuff on hold this week, we have the Veterans coming in Thu.
  2. It is junk Paul, frame bad, body falling apart, I put shrink wrap on them to keep from blowing apart coming home
  3. No they weren't new they were used cars. The yard they came from is full of cars that are just too far gone to do anything with, but there are a lot of them. Found a Weaver Wrecker crane I wanted bad, but he wouldn't part with it. Just too much to see, and I've been there twice, but pretty sad to see how far gone they are. Must be 30 Corvairs sinking into the ground with trees growing thru them
  4. Went down to N.C. Today to get this car carrier. Too far gone to restore, probably put on some tires, clean up and wipe down with some linseed oil or protectant and put outside the museum.
  5. Glad your doing better
  6. Happy Thanksgiving, sitting on a 3 Stop San Fransisco for Friday. Trying to decide Oatmeal, Cheerios, or Wheaties.
  7. Thanks for the Pics O.D. Been sick and missed the show, great pics.
  8. It belongs to a good friend of mine who also built this Chevrolet, we are planning a trip to Oregon in the spring.
  9. Almost 200 Trucks, great day. The LTL was a big hit. Proud of my Brides name on the Red Oval, even if it is misspelled. First time that ever happened Lol, Cancer free 2 months now
  10. I first saw it on Hemmings a while ago and put it on here, then I think it was in WOT.
  11. Bringing this C600 and Martin trailer from Chicago area back to Museum.Made it down to the first rest area in Ohio. Finish it off tomorrow.
  12. Zack lift electric over hydraulic, does a good job
  13. Brought this little Reo back from Ohio to get started on
  14. Happy Birthday,
  15. Welcome
  16. maint1


    The thing that bothers me is that when they go to their yard why don't they practice until they become a pro. Somewhere along the line they have accepted that they are not very good at backing, but don't have the work ethic to practice. They have plenty of time and space at their yard. The added advantage is that they hit their own trailers instead of everyone else
  17. maint1


    how did you know? I didn't see you on 35? Lol
  18. maint1


    I was running across 35 in Ohio the other night in the rain and everyone was mad at a Swift for holding up traffic, my mind flashed back 40 years and it was me running 52 and 100 thru the Va. And W.Va. Mountains in the fog with a line of trucks behind me. Finally found a place to pull over and let them pass, 10 minutes later had another line of trucks behind me that ran that road every night, and knew every curve. The memory made me feel bad for the Swift driver on 35.
  19. Suzue and I are staying at the comfort Suites, don't know how far they are apart, but we can get you there and back, no problem, I will PM phone number
  20. Just got into Richmond with our final truck, York was empty at 4:00 PM did a lap around to make sure no one needed any help, then turned the lights out. LOL Had a great time visiting with everyone and seeing lots of nice trucks. Dave
  21. Don't know why but I really like this 1950 C50 that is at the York show 6 Flathead and two gearboxes, straight cab, lots of tar and blacktop in the frame. Don't know who owns it but it would be a sweet little truck fixed up. My bride has mentioned that I need my head examined.Some trucks just kinda grab ya
  22. Original PIE west set up 220 cummins with a blower, 5X3, restored by Dr Bill out of Denver, we bought from estate, a good solid restoration, we also have a W model tractor and a straight truck tanker that he did. There is a utube video of him driving it. Good stuff. I picked it up in Denver last fall, basically just did minor repairs and buffed it out
  23. That was me driving the PIE
  24. I'm camping in my truck in the infield for next 3 days got plenty of hot dogs and hamburgers if anybody wants some, unfortunately the adult beverages won't be here until tomorrow, as he was delayed anyone welcome. Have potatoe chips for the vegetarians
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