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Everything posted by maint1

  1. Man, how did they keep the logger from upsetting on a curve.
  2. Got the last two loaded, bringing up the LTH up Tue AM then bobailing back, one of my friends is bringing the Pete back with a single drop, and another is bringing the other, and I will bring the PIE tankers Wednesday AM.Just glad the getting stuff running and loading is done. I'm whupped.
  3. 2 single drops to load and we will have us a convoy
  4. That is great, looking forward to more good news and Pics, I like the little trucks
  5. I started towing trucks in 68, with a 51 Diamond T, once it gets in your blood, you are hooked for life. Changed a lot over the years, built an 850 Holmes in the 70's, and said to myself, they wont build anything bigger than this.lol
  6. That will be a fun weekend, I like that a lot, but then I'm the worlds biggest fool for a wrecker or service truck.
  7. That is nice, great job
  8. I read today that there were over 1,300 pre- registered vehicles.that is a big show.
  9. I read today that there were over 1,300 pre- registered vehicles.that is a big show.
  10. Thanks for all your nice comments, hats off to the body shop guys, and Roland Beazley, he is an old Mack man who started out in the Mack Factory Branch in Richmond. He has done the hevy lifting on this project, and is a heck of a nice person. Thanks again, Dave
  11. Thanks for all your nice comments, hats off to the body shop guys, and Roland Beazley, he is an old Mack man who started out in the Mack Factory Branch in Richmond. He has done the hevy lifting on this project, and is a heck of a nice person. Thanks again, Dave
  12. going to try and find some antique Pepsi coolers to put in the back, or maybe a sign, make it look like it was working
  13. Nice Brockway
  14. Borrowed a set off of the rear axel on a EGU, we have, don't think anyone will notice until we get together, still hopin you make it there
  15. Don't know how to post a link, but I sure liked the truck. No relation
  16. Will get some better pics later
  17. 3408 Cat with a Brake Saver
  18. Next Sat and Sun will be workin both days, Mon off then load Tue. Stop by and see me.
  19. Working outside today, got the wipers and all the lights going, my old truck looks like it could be the PIE service truck
  20. I like the truck. The roll back is worth it's weight in gold!
  21. Forgot to tell you Mike, also tried my hand at livestockhaulin
  22. Yes, was built for them, we are going to put a box on it and a pup behind it and pull it and the PIE tankers around together, planning on taking the CF to York, because of the history, they had a break bulk there. I'm driving the PIE, but that CF is going to eat up a lot of room on a single drop.Going to take 2 single drops of stuff.
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