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Everything posted by rickykarenpr

  1. in my country this truck not see much in the streets only 3 but only one is custom
  2. whats is the cost ???
  3. nice truck made upgrade in accessories
  4. I like the mack trucks models: CXU Vision, CHU amazing truck
  5. I check tomorrow the serial number in my truck is recorded in the chassis
  6. no problem partner
  7. do you have a link to live chat??
  8. looks good the truck completely restored
  9. this loader is awesome but the time to restored and put work again
  10. who I can buy this toys??
  11. who I can biy one toy of this but ch600??
  12. Happy New Year partners from Puerto Rico to the world
  13. check the injector sensor
  14. no for me the link posted of our partner help check the parts number and the price
  15. this is a first mack truck right??
  16. nice mack I have one this R688ST
  17. good link to check parts
  18. I like register the serial number of my truck what link register my truck serial number???
  19. good link to verify mack parts
  20. not bad one use truck mack vision is brand new
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