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Everything posted by Lmackattack

  1. I just got word of the show this weekend. Iwill be there Trent
  2. I agree Doug!! recaps on the steer is a big no no!!!! MO DOT thinks diffrent however. I was suprised when the scale master let me leave his station with a recap on the steer axel??? but after a 3 hr delay I just wanted out... As soon as I got back from the trip to pick the truck up I put the 2 drive tires I had at home... Correct steers will come soon. All my drives are currently 40% trent
  3. I like the LEDs for tail lights or bumper markers etc... but the one thing that bothers me is that they blind the sorounding aera where they are placed. When im runing the road at nite and a 04 pete goes by all I can see is a oarnge and red dot across the hwy LOL. I want to stick with the bulb style to keep with the era of the truck.. hopefully the Iowa 80 will have some left after this weekends show trent
  4. if anyones looking to travel out there from the northern Il aera there will be a 3-4 truck convoy from Woodstock IL. trucks going are a BCR , B81 ,my RS700L ,and possibly another RS700L ? we depart 5 or 530 am on friday Trent
  5. I wipe the bare metal surface with any type of paint thinner /cleaner. this will get the grease off the surface. also use a blow gun (with a filter) to get the sand grit out of the cracks. thats my .02
  6. I belive the mech 350 is an econodyne and is suggestive to use a gearbox with more than 5 gears to properly work. I have driven plenty of E6 300s and 350s both 2V and 4V and all were reliable. All the 350s that we use at Kanzler Const have 9 speeds or 13 speeds. The 9sp is my choice as it goes pretty good for a city truck, the 13 speed has lots of top end for the big road. so a triplex would be fine if it can handel the extra TQ. I do however not like the electronic 350HP as it feels like a dog running through thick mud. but thats what we get with emissions. some one had posted a chart on the old BMT board of the diffrent E-6, Hp ratings and fuel flow I cant find it but it may have had a econodyne chart as well?? EDIT: found the charts today 237 maxidyneHP chart 250 econodyne HP chart Thermodyne HP chart
  7. whos going? located off I-80 about 20 miles from the IA/IL line
  8. im not fimmilar with that unit but if its the same as a old style bendix there should be a small line from the govener to the dryer. will have to look closer at mine. I just replaced the filter and know there are 3 air lines running to it. Trent
  9. I hope to attend Walcott also if I can get the day off of work. I am hopeing to join a convoy of 3 other members to the event. we will be departing woodstock IL in the am on friday if you are intrested in running with us? see you there
  10. great story Dale. I to have seen pics of the trucks of yesterday. My dads friend has a few pics on the office wall of some B61s and B81s moving dump trailers with the dirt falling off the sides. altho theres no hills here in chicago the dirt fields and rock pits were hard enough on the trucks empty let alone overloaded. A old guy that drove trucks before my dad was around once told me he never saw a Mack that couldent move what was loaded on its back. Trent
  11. Hi Fred I will ask around as I am friends with some people that work in the big name companys out here ie Greco, Palumbo, Lindahl the name sounds fimmilar so you might be in luck. I bought 2 Chicago B models one was a Reliable wrecking Co and the other was a Cellie trucking. both had many of rough miles on them so I can feel you pain as to the condition yours is in...LOL Trent
  12. yea I was thinking about under the cab larry. not to many as its an old truck and it looks bette with less... now Im going to adress something here about me and ol mike if you are talking about the 2-3 runs on the door its all within a learning experiance. and its been a good one. Mike I have let you slide on what seams some times rude comments about me or the 2 truck I own. if you still have beef with me about your sister truck that I used for parts for my current truck, keep it on the farm. I loaded your B model (that I found and offered 1st up to you) in chicago on to a truck that came with 2 chains that could barley fit around me. one snapped and almost cought my friend running the bulldozer. I sold you the parts left over from your sister truck for $350 ($100 went to my friend who came over with a bob cat to load you) I never asked for money when using equipment to load you and was even going to trade you the title to your sister truck. When you went to court for the trucks you have and I gave you my kind words of hope to you.... If you have a problem with me just tell me why and get over it.... maybee I see you wrong ..if so sorry...its just the last 3 posts from you are all hinting you to be after me ?? See you in Wallcott Trent
  13. I used the black stuff that cuts thru the paint easy. the thick steel wont feel any pain. it also flows better than the cheeper sand. it took me all day to do my bosses lowboy and lots of sand... Have fun Trent
  14. I will try again tonight I bought it new but there were no instructions in the box? It looks as if its hooked up correctly but I might have mixed up the lines. there are letters and numbers on the govener but nothing that a rookie could understand. Thanks for the link 2K i will have to add that to my fav list Trent
  15. I replaced the Air compressor on my RS700L and I think the govener is hook up incorrectly. First the govenor was originaly installed on the end of the compressor and had 2 lines running from it. I wanted to remote mount it on the firewall so bplted it to the fire wall and I ran a line from the compressor to the bottom middle port with a tee fitting to feed the air dryer. then the bottom port farthest from the plastic end cap has a line to the air tank? when the truck is running the exhaust hole (bottom port closest to the plastic cap) lets air escape? did I some how cross the air dryer and air tank lines? or did I complertly mess things up?LOL thanks Trent
  16. I want to add some tastefull lighting to the Western. I was thinking about adding a single amber light under the batt box to reflect off the air tanks and a few on the step ends? I dont think the air cleaner lights wold work having only 1 cleaner and I dont have the rear cab lights but was thinking about installing some red lights on the deck plate to reflect off the rear cab wall. Again im not looking to out do a everyday pete or KW but at night its pretty dark out back as the brake lights are all to be seen.
  17. I just replaed my belts (2). I always tighten by feel. I use a pry bar to pull the alt back and have someone tighten the bolt. I figure a 1/4 inch movement is ok any more and they may slip at high RPM. I dont have a AC unit (yet) so the 3rd belt is not used on my Western. I also installed a fan clutch with the new belts and that greatly improved noise at high RPM as the fan will not work unless its needed
  18. My western has the 3 leaf right now. I noticed the newer trucks have the 2 leaf so that itself will make the truck ride a little harsher. I am hoping to get my front wheel balenced soon. the front tires on the truck are new drives. I removed the old steers as the MO state gave me a ticket for low tread ware and made me get them replaced with recaps!!! go figure The drive tires may make the ride harsh also?? As far as the cab shaking I am thinking that the rear shocks are shot and the tires may be not balanced properly?? one thing I never under stood was why Mack only used 2 shocks for the rear I have gathered the parts for 2 more shocks and hope to install them when I rebush the rear end.. Trent
  19. Mack pick up??? last one built was back some 50 years ago? is this a Mack cabover? if so we need to know what trans it has? some trucks back then had 2 sticks and the 2nd stick had the reverse hole Trent
  20. It has the standard R model 3 leaf 12K I replaced the shocks after I posted the message and found one of them were frozen. I noticed a improvement but the cab still shakes on smooth roads?
  21. why would I do that? I dont need more problems.
  22. Why do R model front springs cause such a bad ride? I drove a 2000 freight liner again today and it barely made the front end move when going over a pot hole. I then got in the R model and drove over the same roads and it made me kringe when I went over a man hole cover . I love Macks and the duribility but why oh why do they ride like crap??? can i simply swap some pete or Freightliner springs under it?
  23. I wish every engine was made like that. the internal maintence wold be so easy!!! where did the piston go??
  24. Looks like I might not be going? Walked ito work today and they need me to leave wensday for NY wont return untill Tuesday Oh well Walcott is soon if I miss this one. I will keep you posted if i am going Trent
  25. I agree, K-wopper every Pete and KW I see today has all the same chrome as the next one... I think my genaration calls it "Bling" LOL I like my trucks like I like my women. clean lines with nice curves, stock in some aeras and aftermarket bolt ons in other needed aeras all tastefully done Hope My GF does not see this LOL Trent
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