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Everything posted by Lmackattack

  1. very good album lots of good looking macks!!
  2. not shure but I can find out for you.. Im a newbie when it comes to truck shows Auburn 05 was my first journy to a show and today was my 2nd adventure. I was told that the morris IL show had a good turnout. Im hoping that there will be 4 + macks in our convoy from woodstock to the event. if you live along the way and want join us, thats great too Trent
  3. with mt b model i recived a build sheet(s) with all the componts. a letter to who/ ware the truk was deliverd to. some mack museum info and a nice 200 page operating/maintence hand book
  4. just wondering what others think and why? I always liked the E6 300/350 for reliability and the tip turbine 285 because of the extra 200 RPM (2300)
  5. Huntly IL, went to the Local show this after noon and found a nice restored BCR and some other old trucks. met the owner of the BCR and we hope to run togather with my RS700 and his friends B81 to the morris IL show MT. MORRIS, ILLINOIS ATHS Northwest Illinois Chapter Truck Show IL Rt. 64, Downtown Mt. Morris. Info: Barry Rittenhouse, (815) 734- 4529 map quest link http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?count...&searchtab=home hope to see you there Trent
  6. blue smoke on start up can be unburnt diesel, or oil. white smoke may suggest water or coolant. If the truck is at operating temp. some grey smoke is normal. If it is alwasys smoking I would think there is a problem some where. does your PCV tube blow heavy smoke out the bottom? if so you might have a worn piston/liner bad ring etc....feel the toob exit at idle it should have a suction/press feel to it simmilar to a cars PVC. Trent
  7. Hello my name is Trent Blasco, Im from Chicago IL and own a 1965 B615LST and a 1978 RS786LST. the R model is 80% restored and the B model is around 50% Barry I like the new format. its just like the other car boards I have joined. some of the oldtimers might get a little confused but the options here are great.
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