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  1. Hi David, I'll check the measurements on the filter. Those numbers sound close. If I don't end us using the spin-on kit, I'll give you a call. Sully
  2. JJ, how much of a project was it to adapt the carquest kit? I'll have to go back and check, but I believe mine is a 707C. Sully
  3. Thanks Dave. I'll look forward to hearing from you. Sully
  4. dphsully


    Hi Fred, I'm looking for a windshield wiper control for vacuum wipers in a '58 B95. Do you have anything like that? Pat Sullivan
  5. Thanks, I apprieciate it. Sully
  6. Thanks for the info, JJ. If I don't find any, I'll probably go the same route. Sully
  7. Hi All, I have a '58 B95 Fire Engine with a 707 Thermodyne gas motor. I'm having no luck finding oil filters for this motor. (NAPA & Wix have discontinued them) Does anybody know a current source for filter for this motor? Thanks, Sully
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