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Everything posted by RZX

  1. WANTED--Rear mount PTO for a Mack 1076 5 speed, I know its a hard to find item. There might be one somewhere. Thanks RZX
  2. RZX


    Sorry for the misprint on the ad I posted about the PTO, the tranny number is 1076, and it's a five speed. I need it to be rear mounted. Thanks RZX PS. I expect to pay for it,
  3. RZX


    I'm in need of a rear mounted PTO for a Mack 1057 5 speed, it might say free but I expect to pay for it. Sure could use one in working condition.Thanks RZX
  4. Maybe someone out there could give me some advice , what do you think about aftermarket door shells for a Mack R model ? Are they made to Mack specs. and do they fit properly ? Thanks RZX
  5. I bought this R model single axle new in 1979, could anyone decipher the Serial No. R492P1190. This truck has a Cat 3208 with a 13 speed and has about 60,000 miles on it. It is red and has an aluminum dump body. Thanks, RZX
  6. Thanks guys, I think I'll look for a 300 or 350 instead. Would there be a problem putting one of these in front of a 5 speed with a low hole tranny ? RZX
  7. I would like to get some opinions on pumping my 74 RD from a 237 to a 300. The guy that does some work for me says he can do that by changing the injector pump and adding the 300 air cleaner system. He said he has done a lot of them and wants about $ 4000.00 to do this. This change will use more fuel but will it harm the engine ? Thanks RZX
  8. Thanks Bulldog, RZX
  9. I'm new to this serial number stuff but I thought that a double frame would be indicated by a RD model. I have another question, are 44 rears visible by the cone shaped axle covers ? I'm starting to like this site!!!
  10. Thanks for all of the replies, for some reason this R model has a double frame. I don't get this mix up, the serial number doesn't show it. Is this possible ? Thanks again, RZX
  11. I have a 1979 R model with the serial number R686ST28431, could anyone tell me the specs on this ? Thanks, RZX
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