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    God and Country. Mack and Dodge trucks. Ford tractors. Farming.

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  1. Hey Guys, Need some advice. My son and I are working on a short run, (30 miles), in the hills of WV. Lots of sharp curves and steep hard pulls hauling waste from a local distiller to a farm. About 2 miles of off road work. Probably grossing 74 to 80 thousand. Never able to get over 35 mph, town and small roads. But got to run every day. The dilemma, JD wants a newer truck, CH or GU. Of coarse with my experience of cutting my teeth in these hills with a F model and 237 - 5 speed, to make this work and make some money, I think we should stay with the real Macks. The name 'Volvo' and E7 and MP8 just doesn't compute in my head. We have an E9 400 - 12speed in an RW and an ENDT 676 - 5 speed in an R model. These ole trucks get the job done cheap. We do most of our own mechanic work in our shop and know and have parts for the older Macks. Know nothing about newer Macks except the horror stories I read on Big Mack Truck. What is your opinion? Am I old fashioned? Will the new trucks take the abuse like the real Macks? Or should I hold the line on staying with old Macks ? Thanks so much for you time and opinion!
  2. Big Dog, Hey, yeah, I'm in a totally different class than you guys. I watched Killer Mack on you tube the other day, and yeah, I don't need that much power. Do you pull? I have no idea how those rears take that kind of beating! I will watch for CL733 and if you can get a phone number, I'll see if he still has the turbo. I use to keep a spare when we were running the ENDT's. Few hundred then would keep a new one. Thanks so much!
  3. Thanks for the reply. Yeah, it is on the intake side. I don't think it is a plugged line. The turbo needs rebuilt. Just not what I want to hear in our busy season. I do remember a bunch of bad stories about turbos going to pieces. I just needed a second opinion. Do you have a favorite place I can get it rebuilt? Thanks! Tim
  4. Need to know what rpms a fast idle would be. Our e9 turbo spills oil like crazy idling at 800 rpm. And if it is cold. Figure it may need rebuilt, but it quits smoking after the engine get so 150 or so and headed down the road. Any opinions or help on this would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Thanks so much Superdog! I have wondered about this for years. I keep wanting to put a gold dog on our RW because it is all mack, but my son won't let me. Now I know he is right and I won't bug him anymore. We had gold dogs on our F models in the 70's and I always thought it was because they were Mack, bumper to mud flap.
  6. Neat ruck! Never seen one of them. Does the engine set inside the cab under a dog house?
  7. Thanks guys for the info. I figured as much. We did get it phased right, universals in line. I am afraid not to get it fixed. There is not much left to replace on the ole RW except drive shaft and rears. I guess we will have a new truck then! Thanks so much for your replies!
  8. Have a question, or 2. Just got our RW back on the road. Swapped the 9 speed for a 12. had to shorten the drive shaft. When we separated the drive shaft at the slip joint splines, the splines had a 'plastic' coating which came off, I guess after 862,000 miles, it was wore out. The slip joint now has about 1/4 inch of play, 'side to side'. Could this be causing a 'wobble' that you can feel under a hard pull? Can the 'plastic' on the splines be replaced?
  9. BMT is a great place to be. So good to be with people that apprrciates trucks as much as I do.
  10. Soon as i figure out how to get pictures up. Guess we are off subjecta little, but do they go in the gallery?
  11. Yep, that was my Dad's fertilizer plant. Good thing you had a 300. And yeah, all of the fertilizer in bags was on the floor. 10 bags at a time on the hand truck, but we had a lot of help then. No body was afraid of hard work. Probably had 4 or 5 guys to help unload. I made a many trip to Lynchburg with my Dad in a 1970 single axle 500 dodge with a 361, 5&2. We would go over after work and get 8 tons on a set out order. Wow! You could actually make money with a single axle then.
  12. I agree it was bad driving! And I don't mean to sound like Im bragging about the drive line damage, just about the E9 and the work Dale did for us. And I do feel bad not, to mention the look I got from our son when I told him what happened. Im not use to anything more than 300 horses. This rw is my sons truck. Mine is a 1968 Dodge 900 with a slant 6 Cummins and a RTO913. I can gouge on it and not much happens! But it gets me there. I also agree you don't want an E9 now days to make a living. They need preserving. Trucks are an evil necessity on our farm. I think I put about 5000 miles on the '68 last year, but it was a lot of fun and we get a lot of looks and questions at the truck stop. IDK. I would rather drive the classics than see them set in a garage just to look at. The post from Big Dog is exactly right. I feel fortunate and thankful to Dale for helping us ole farmers out while there was a racing V8 being assembled beside our E9. He is a great guy, and a family operation. And very busy.
  13. The Mack v8's have there own ring tones, like none other engine. Nothing sounds any sweeter at 1600 under a load. They are a good engine. Just not many left. Risky to drop valve seats. If you trade for it, take it to someone experienced with them. Just checked ours out. Dont seem to be anthing wrong with the drive shaft, but she started 'wobbling' after i went from high 2nd to low 3rd and gouged on it with 48000 on. (12 speed) Hope it is carrier bearing and not rear end problems.
  14. I started in 1976 with a F700, 237, 5 speed. 30 ton of potash on a 30 ft bathtub in the hills of wv, praying she would not run out of power in 1st gear at 1200 rpm. A kid with nerves shot, i was. Tremendous good video. I loved the picture of 200 lb burlap bags. I can remember them filled with fertilizer, but that is all. Could not even side one, much less carry my end! I dont drive anymore. Quit in the late 80's. I would not, could not, drive now days. Back then you didnt have to worry about breaking down or being lost. You knew you could count on other truck drivers to help you. The cb only had professional language, well most of the time. Some would be pissed at the truck that blew his doors off with that big ENDT 676! I wish we could go back, but that aint possible.
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