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Pedigreed Bulldog
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TeamsterGrrrl last won the day on October 11 2016

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  1. Rowdy, how many threads do you have to ruin? Now can we get back to our regularly unscheduled discussion of the F150?
  2. Did the 18k axle even come out of a Mack?
  3. Rowdy, I know some of you guys are having a hard time accepting that you lost the civil and culture wars. And now you're trying to turn the tide in the war on manual transmissions? Give it a rest, and quit arguing for the sake of arguing- We're both agreed that the F150 should have a manual transmission option.
  4. Was at a tractor pull/threshing bee today and saw a V8 Superliner absolutely shame a pair of Petes. Had headers and was obviously cranked up a bit, but still quite streetable- It was driven to the pull and home and is owned by a local excavating company. Dragged the sled over 300 feet and probably could have gone farther, but there was a lake in the way. Petes were absolute junk- One kept overheating and shut down in the middle of his first pull, the other one was so overfueled that it was blowing inch sized chunks of carbon out the exhaust!
  5. So Rowdy, are you so assured that no woman can authoritatively argue the virtues of manual vs. automatic transmissions that you automatically assume that woman is a he? Diana
  6. Rowdy, if we're hiring someone to run the water system, it doesn't matter if they can drive a stick shift or not. At the water operator training the other day every municipal truck in the parking lot had an automatic. I drove my own car there and was probably the only attendee that shifted gears to get there! You might also note that the law also protects people with disabilities from discrimination, which means if our best applicant didn't have two functional legs we'd have to provide an automatic transmission vehicle.
  7. A menacing mob of people with automatic weapons and murder by car are not free speech.
  8. Wish it were that simple... Usually you get a half dozen applicants, a couple of whom are just plain unqualified and the rest ranging from maybe able to fake it to overqualified, the kind of guy who could write a training manual for the job. If the overqualified guy can't drive a stick, you'd be a fool to hire the "fake it 'til you make it" guy just because he does. And given that driving a stick is nowhere near an essential skill for the job, you might get sued too!
  9. I like manuals, but after eight decades the automatics have caught up. And training time is a factor too- I was at a training for water system operators the other day, and was amazed how much training it takes to run a water treatment plant properly. So should we give a new water system operator a weeks less training in running water systems so we can teach them how to drive a municipal truck with a stick shift?
  10. That's pretty tasteless- A peaceful protester was murdered with that car by a white supremacist.
  11. Sure it's a 2007? 2006 was the last year for the 427 HP Mack engine, and in fact the switch over to the Volvo engines occurred late in 2006.
  12. Thought you milk haulers ran day cabs...
  13. I came across an article that says the Ranger is the best selling pickup in Europe, but Europeans prefer vans to pickups and while the Transits sell well there, I suspect VW's vans sell even better.
  14. Are you saying I should fear for my safety if I meet some of the BMT members in public?
  15. Hard to honestly complain when those confederate statues were taken to safety on a Mack truck!
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