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Bobby j

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Bobby j

  1. Thanks for the picture and the history lesson.........it's really an eye opener to think of all the landmark AMERICAN companies gone by the wayside now.....where are we heading too........bobby j.
  2. Thanks for the pictures petermack........bobby j.
  3. Welcome ..........bobby j.
  4. Will get my vote.......when magazine gets here......takes longer down south....bobby j.
  5. Welcome and nice looking trucks...............bobby j.
  6. Mike. Very nice pictures........bobby j.
  7. Very nice truck........welcome to bmt.......bobby j.
  8. Happy birthday .......bobby j.
  9. Superdog ditto on what everyone else said.........I envy you to be around all that equipment ..........you can be ten years old again with all them toys.......bobby j.
  10. Thermodyne..good looking b-model your pride and hard work shows........bobby j.
  11. Happy birthday have a wonderful day.........bobby j.
  12. Gear head good looking round bales and good looking hay field.........bobby j.
  13. Welcome to the jungle........good looking tractor........bobby j.
  14. Very nice...adds a little class.......bobby j.
  15. Looks so good you should be working for Mack ........sure wish I had that talent.......bobby j.
  16. Welcome aboard.......bobby j.
  17. Looks like one of those transformer cartoon trucks.........bobby j.
  18. This crew of steering wheel holders we have today don't know how good they have it......those trucks took real drivers.....thanks for the pics........bobby j.
  19. Why not use channel iron and cut off just before tires.....mount fog lites underneath good looking set up that's how we did them at overnite........bobby j.
  20. Nice looking old r-model......good luck with it......with all you've done somebody will get a great ride.....bobby j.
  21. Sure looks tempting.......right up my alley.......bobby j.
  22. Good looking "b" also love the old style rounded box........welcome....lots of good people on here.......bobby j.
  23. Welcome to the forum..........bobby j.
  24. Looks like down south jury-rigging...........bobby j.
  25. Congratulations to all very nice looking family...........bobby j.
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