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Bobby j

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Bobby j

  1. Nice pictures......liked them all indeed......thanks.......bobby j.
  2. Beautiful trucks up north.......drivers/owners pride definitely shows.......thanks for pictures.........bobby j.
  3. Great pics......wish I could have been there.......thanks.........bobby j.
  4. Welcome............bobby j.
  5. Happy birthday.........bobby j.
  6. Welcome to the forum........I too have a 1964 b-model...........bobby j.
  7. Welcome to the forum...btw..nice looking truck......bobby j.p
  8. Welcome to the forum............that's a very good looking truck............bobby j.
  9. Welcome to doghouse.........bobby j.
  10. Indeed an honor...........one fine looking truck..........bobby j.
  11. Happy birthday............bobby j.
  12. I agree sharp looking tractor......no more miles that are on it should give you many miles of good service........welcome to the forum....bobby j.
  13. Welcome to mack country Norman..........bobby j.
  14. Good looking fleet of trucks......bobby j.
  15. Thanks for the pictures BKrois and maddog13407..........like b-model heaven........bobby j.
  16. Nobody that looked like that ever climbed up on my truck asking for paperwork .......guess I was a day late and a dollar short......bobby j.
  17. Welcome to the pound........good luck looking for your truck.......bobby j.
  18. Brocky......is that the same DT I've seen at Cherokee if it is VERY nice.........bobby j.
  19. Welcome to the dog pound from down in Georgia..........bobby j.
  20. Very nice.......can see all of your hardwork it shows........bobby j.
  21. Jury-rigging that's what we call it down south........what ever works.......bobby j.
  22. . Sorry to hear that other dog ..........the greatest generation leaving us much to fast........peace be with you.........bobby j.
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