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Bobby j

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Bobby j

  1. Don't bother it the patena makes the truck IMO .......bobby j.
  2. Hope we make it to 2016..........God help us........bobby j.
  3. Real sobering feeling looking at the beaches to stop and think what those soldiers went thru for US we must never forget......also all the old trucks looked good.......thanks Vladislav ........bobby j.
  4. Welcome aboard Gerard
  5. I'm all outta wipes there weasel.....but I like it.......if you run out of something to do on it I've got a bmodel and federal that needs a little attention ..........bobby j.
  6. You lucky devil......I'm all outta likes but I like it..........bobby j.
  7. Green dash loved all the picks from down here in ga.......I'm all outta likes.......Bobby j.
  8. Very nice looking tractor......looks like a lot of work into it........are those Volvo vns fuel tanks and steps sure looks like it.....bobby j.
  9. Good looking truck indeed.........Bobby j.
  10. Happy birthday.........bobby j.
  11. Welcome aboard.......nice looking truck.......bobby j.
  12. Can we get truck by truck action for those of us who can't make it PLEASE..........bobby j.
  13. Welcome........good luck with the mack ee........bobby j.
  14. Welcome aboard.......bobby j.
  15. Some guys have all the fun.........looking out the mirror at old mack iron.........that brockway would look good dressed out like an old. d school chicken truck hooked to a bull wagon.......bobby j.
  16. Thanks 57bcr ........love the pictures and history.......cool........bobby j.
  17. . Super dog when you get ready to straighten up your front yard give me a shout......would be glad to help........bobby j.
  18. Thank goodness for the mack brothers...............I knew there was a reason I loved Mack's ..........bobby j.
  19. Congratulations.........where's the cigars.......bobby j.
  20. I agree with all I think we are SO close to these times that we already have one foot in them now and the other foot on a banana peel.........bobby j.
  21. Could it be possible they we're put on top as a customer option........maybe had the same wiper motors as the mb's with the one control switch mounted between the two motors........bobby j.
  22. . You got that right......I like that bobby j.
  23. Thank you and your family for your service to our great nation 41chevy...........in this day and age of govnt handouts,etc. people tend to forget without veterans they wouldn't have all they have......once again thanks....bobby j.
  24. Nothing like a big black mack with twin stacks on the back.....and oh yeah red frame is awesome ...bobby j.
  25. Very nice truck indeed.........welcome aboard........bobby j.
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