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Bobby j

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Bobby j

  1. Dang I agree with everybody.......all have good points.......me personally only a few under tanks,front bumper,sleeper,inside cab underneath dash to shine on floor.........bobby j.
  2. SHARP.............drive it to ga please......bobby j.
  3. . Thanks for the picture maint1. That's just like mine except mines a two cyl. Grain dump outta Leroy Illinois and that tractor looks a WHOLE lot better than mine.....once again thanks for the picture.......bobby j.
  4. Congratulations ...........good luck........bobby j.
  5. Couldn't be an ex ups tractor unless it slipped by the crusher.......they won't sell any thing just have someone crush them......bobby j.
  6. Now that is pretty wild........bobby j.
  7. Welcome aboard..........bobby j.
  8. . Just curious what type of federal do you have ??........I have a 1947 model16m with 14 foot grain dump don't see many federals anymore.......bobby j.
  9. That's one fine looking gmc.......what are the specs on it engine/trans......bobby j.
  10. Tired of working.....want govnt entitlements......vote democrat.......is there anything else this administration can do to shock and anger the honest bible believing hard working red blooded Americans ??? I swear every day it's something new I don't want to think it can get any worse but everyday he manages to do it all over again..............will people ever wake up??.......bobby j.
  11. Did you check the exhaust/muffler ?? Could be plugged up causing air to bleed out......bobby j.
  12. Mack quality depend on it............happy for you.......bobby j.
  13. I agree with all above shell-rotella 15/w40 if rotella not available any good brand 15/w40.........bobby j.
  14. Glad to see another v8 saved......have fun with it.........bobby j.
  15. Looks real good.........love the two tone paint and spokes.......good job.......bobby j.
  16. Very pretty countryside you all have over there Vlad.......all of the old buildings and churches beautiful ........especially liked the sunset on the water.........bobby j.
  17. . I agree one of the best w.o.t. In a long time....some of best years of my life where spent at Overnite when mr. Cochrane was there before Union Pacific pushed him out.........bobby j.
  18. . That's one bad super-r-car........welcome aboard....bobby j.
  19. Welcome.......I have found there are very good and knowledgeable people on this forum as well.......enjoy your truck and fix it like you want it.........I too looked for years to find just the right truck.........bobby j.
  20. That's just too weird to look at even went so far as to put a ford front bumper on it........I don't think the year is right either we had mid to late seventies fmodels and they didn't have steel dashes........bobby j.
  21. . I second that....if one owner/driver kept inside that nice good chance the running gear is just as good.......bobby j.
  22. If people don't wake up and quit drinking this Obama kool-aid America will be no more. What Nixon done was nothing compared to this moron and got impeached, bill Clinton just wanted a little head and almost got impeached........this guy will do or say anything and people take it for gospel......hope a good republican steps up for next election maybe by then people will see thru his lies....my two cents......bobby j.
  23. . Ron maybe he's talking about spoke/Dayton wheels ??........maybe he wants to change over to accuride or budds.....bobby j.
  24. Welcome to the dawg house..........bobby j.
  25. That's one sharp looking tractor you got there jackb61sx ........love the pin striping .......have fun with it......bobby j.
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