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Bobby j

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Bobby j

  1. Rusty and crusty you can't keep a mack down
  2. Check with heavy parts distributor there are some you can pull top head off and rebuild while on the truck and some that are not user serviceable
  3. That is only good looking mack... You do top shelf work......like the big cab guard that's what my bmodel has
  4. Sharp looking truck little tlc and it would be a fine ride....by the way shoot a little ether in the Lri tire and blow it back up
  5. I have a '64 bmodel with power steering that has the power assist bar bolted to tie rod bar........ Here's my question are the tie rod ends right and left hand threaded or are they both right hand threaded like the older mb models did where you had to remove the bar to turn ends when you set the toe-in ?? Also front shock rods with the grease able knuckles on both ends can these parts still be had ?? Out of both sides I could get by with replacing one.or is it better to replace all that old stuff with new style shocks ?? Any help or suggestions will be most appreciated I have done f, r, u, mb, mc, ch, but never a bmodel.......thanks
  6. Sorry to hear of this mower man.....as all of us know in trucking the media has a tremendous HARD ON for any kind of accident involving a truck.......most important a family lost one of its members@ only 26 yrs old what a waste............we need to remember all involved in thoughts and prayers
  7. Nice old school large car hope you save it
  8. Welcome to the doghouse
  9. I'm so glad I joined in this forum with so many like minded people ..........when I was a kid I could never fathom the things that are the norm today in America
  10. Wow.......brings back a lot of memories...... I've seen those mb's bring so much weight that front end would come of ground at redlites they would drop down to 10 mph on hills but still bring in load......seen a new driver one night bring in a load of cotton and not drop the trlr high enough when he went to pull out the weight shot him and the mb out from under it...very strong old trucks
  11. Fantastic...............beautiful truck
  12. You guys see all the cool stuff up north.....?down here in ga only see fat men in business suits or Mexicans with landscape trucks
  13. What did the kid do...........throw his pacifier at somebody or scream in the cops ears...........in this day and time nothing is surprising
  14. Has anybody stopped to think where this country is gonna wind up when the majority of us baby boomers, working blue collar Americans finally retire and leave it to the what you gonna do for me , what you gonna leave me society ?? It's scary sooner or later there will be more welfare govnt entitlement people with their hand out than there is working people
  15. Bobby j


    I have no problem with standing behind or beside anything or anybody in support of god..... Today's society only has the mentality of what's in it for me or what you gonna do for me......out of wedlock children is the norm, homosexuals, government handouts. I'll get of my soapbox now
  16. I will swap with that lazy do nothing congressman down here in ga anytime and live GOOD on the money he gets plus all the under the table kickbacks..
  17. Good looking r-models, super liner, and mh... my.......nice when spring rolls around and all these trucks come out from hiding
  18. Welcome to the pound.....sure is a classy looking fleet.........
  19. The "r" models we ran at Overnite come from factory with three, two on left and one on the right. Three carried tractor and set of doubles just fine year round......I have a 64"b" and it does just fine on two it's just a dump truck
  20. Great looking old cabover
  21. Welcome jbrown...... Fairly new myself....
  22. Had to get out the sunglasses to look at those pictures........one fine mack
  23. Joemac..... They look like standard size s/w gauges to me only difference I can think of would be polarity....."b" models are positive ground is yours pos or neg ground
  24. Also check the wire plugs that plug into the back of the circuit board any loose pins or metal contacts loose or burnt looking
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