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Bobby j

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Bobby j

  1. Backwoods regions of the south......what the hell you mean...just because we think marriage should be between one man and one woman doesn't make us backwards ...... it's "FORWARD" thinking people like you that's brought America to where it is today...makes you proud ? I m one of the proudly clinging to my guns and Bible plain ol joes of this country.....maybe you and the snowflakes should read what the Bible says about homosexuality I personally believe in God and don't think he is a bigot.....my two cents....Bobby j.
  2. Could not agree with you more glen Akers.........looks like ever since America took God out of the equation things have been going downhill.......Bobby j.
  3. Could not agree with you more........we live in a society today where what's wrong is right and what's right is wrong........everybody has the mentality of what are you going to do for me not what can I do for myself........things that would make my grandparents roll over in their grave all seem to be the norm.....I really feel for the children coming up today what will they have to look forward too.......Bobby j.
  4. Bobby j


    Your exactly right hatcity and let there be another mass shooting by an illegal or terrorist and see how quick they'll want our borders secured......Bobby j.
  5. Beautiful truck j.hancock.......your very lucky to be around such fine examples of old trucks.....wish there where more like it down south where I am........Bobby j.
  6. Good looking truck .........Bobby j.
  7. All of them beautiful trucks.......I can only hope one day mine will look close to that good.........Bobby j.
  8. Merry Christmas to you hippy and all other bmt'ers. Love the video never seen jingle bells like that before..........Bobby j.
  9. I worked 27 1/2 years for overnite.....best years of my working life.....you were not a number but a person....as the saying goes if you cut me I would bleed blue and grey......Harwood was a truckers trucker nobody could come close to filling his shoes....by the way he just passed away this summer at 103 years of age....he put together a team that fought and kept the union out,paid us well,good benefits,etc. I've seen a lot of sweeping the dock, etc just to make your time instead of being laid off. He filled suit against the teamsters and won...he won a ton of money and toted the cancelled checks in his pocket as they were signed by Jimmy Hoffa...he also took possession of their union hall in Charlotte n.c. 2 1/2 years of working under the union at ups I'd have to say worst working years of my life......I think union was a good thing in the early days for wages,working conditions,etc. but it's useless as teats on a boar hog now.....all it does is protect deadbeats and encourages laziness.......lots of things gone in America now due to unions pricing them outta business anybody with half a brain can see this....just my two cents......Bobby j.
  10. Thoughts and prayers for you.....put your faith and trust in Gods hands...,.bobby j.
  11. Thank you Paul for your service and thanks to every veteran on bmt for their service.......in my heart and soul NONE of you will ever be forgotten.......I feel confident that in the next administration God and veterans will no longer be taking a backseat to everyone one else......PROUD to be an American........Bobby j.
  12. So sorry to hear this maddog.....my heart goes out to you prayers for his family and you.......your so right I spent thirty some odd years fixing trucks on the side of the road and lots of drivers have zero consideration anymore......Bobby j.
  13. Welcome
  14. Harry.....I finally got around to taking my tie rods out.....they were both right hand thread......5/8 stud and one inch fine thread.....I took mine to ga tool in macon ga....he found the ends for me and trying to get a new cross bar as mine had a slight bow in it......next I'm gonna tackle the drag link assy.......Bobby j.
  15. Welcome.......good luck with your truck
  16. Dang I would love to meet some of y'all at some of these shows but I got front row seats and meet and greet passes for Charlie Daniels band sat. nite in hiawasse ga.....is any body going to fletcher n.c. Or Greensboro n.c. In October maybe I could meet some of y'all then.........Bobby j.
  17. Are they low mileage one owners.......would like to have the dodge panel truck....Bobby j.
  18. When ups bought out overnite they brought the practice of truck disposal with them........I seen MANY trucks with major repairs on them be put on the scrap line days and weeks after these repairs......the only way we got any parts off of them was if we had an immediate need for them like a truck down in the shop..,yes a supervisor from ups had to be at salvage yard and witness the crushing......waste in my opinion.......I also seen loads of jacks,jack stands,engine hoist,ladders,and various other shop tools cut up with the torch and thrown in the metal bin if the data plate on the particular tool was damaged....they also took out all bench grinders and we had to use hand grinders or ziz wheels....I could write a book........Bobby j.
  19. Harry.....parts man in Macon told me to take mine off and he was gonna try and get me a complete tie rod assy...as long as the studs where the same....he's an old Mack parts guy.....mine has the power assist ram bolted to tie rod bar...I just haven't had time to take mine off as its hay season and I help some of these farmers down here with their equipment,...once I find out I'll let you know,,,,,Bobby j,
  20. Could you possibly buy complete tie rod assy with both left and right hand threads on ends.....that's what parts man down here wants me to do....,it's a 12,000 front axle right ?.....as long as the studs are the same diameter.....Bobby j.
  21. Great pictures I hope to make the show next year.......Bobby j.
  22. Hang in there brother.....remember God will not put on you more than you can handle and when you come through it it'll make you stronger.......Bobby j.
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