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Bobby j

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Bobby j

  1. Welcome and nice piece of history .............Bobby j.
  2. That's just cool as hell.........need you a Mack firefighter outfit on the bulldog.......Bobby j.
  3. Welcome and very good looking truck........Bobby j.
  4. . Didn't know y'all had hood rats in Iowa ......guess meth-heads needed needed quick cash for metal.......Bobby j.
  5. Pretty little filly.......Bobby j.
  6. Thank you......beautiful .......Bobby j.
  7. Welcome..........Bobby j.
  8. California....the land of fruits and nuts.....should shut ALL trucking in-state and intra-state off for a few days maybe open some eye"s...Bobby j.
  9. Learn something new everyday........Thanks........ Bobby j.
  10. Good looking truck and welcome.........Bobby j.
  11. Happy birthday ........Bobby j.
  12. Thanks for the pictures Brocky.......trip of a lifetime ......Bobby j.
  13. Welcome to the forum.......nothing wrong with pete's.......Bobby j.
  14. Wally's filling station.......Bobby j.
  15. Welcome......dang good looking tractor.......Bobby j.
  16. Nice job gonna make a great toy hauler........Bobby j
  17. Go back to the old west days........find them guilty walk them out to the gallows...........Bobby j,
  18. Happy happy birthday........Bobby j.
  19. Welcome here. ......Bobby j.
  20. Here goes ya a couple of filter numbers from NAPA........ 533090. Fuel filter for canister 551030 oil filter for by-pass filter canister My b has the big full flow canister filter and I lost the lumber-finer number Hope these will help you out.......Bobby j.
  21. If memory serves me correctly there is an ignition / accessory relay under metal cover of the doghouse......been years since I been inside on...welded my wedding ring on my finger against relay......quit wearing wedding ring that day......all that to say this take top of doghouse off relay/solenoid mounted close to heater box......Bobby j..
  22. Happy birthday........Bobby j.
  23. Good lookin truck ...let the fun , cussing, and throwing tools begin......Bobby j.
  24. Nice looking rig.......Bobby j.
  25. Thanks '41 Chevy.........I'll never forget......I think the leadership we have now are creating a nation of people used to entitlements and what's in it for me which in my book are just lazy useless people.it keeps getting worse and worse.its going to be like leading sheep to slaughter...my two cents.....Bobby j.
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