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Bobby j

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Bobby j

  1. I am gonna try and come up from ga........planning on going to Carolina museum on Friday and colfax on sat.....Bobby j.
  2. You nailed it brother.......lol.bobby j.
  3. . What in the world happen to that truck ??.......did a swift or a Werner driver run over the top of a yard jockey.......bobby j.
  4. One sharp dawg.......looks good.......bobby j.
  5. Not bad at all.........I agree with all above......have seen worse still haulin.....Bobby j.
  6. Good looking tractor.......proud for you......Bobby j
  7. How much lower are people gonna go........this guy needs raped by a wild lion with rabies and sent straight to hell......bobby j.
  8. Very good and TRUE post as I worked for overnite for 25 years before ups bought them out........had to learn some hard lessons on the way about profit and bottom line at ups.......all in all ups good company to work for......my two cents.....Bobby j.
  9. Welcome aboard......good luck with your hunt.......Bobby j.
  10. Nice place for the dogs to hibernate this winter...........bobby j
  11. . Where's oliver and Lisa Douglas and Arnold the pig ????........bobby j.
  12. Welcome.........bobby j.
  13. Welcome.........bobby j.
  14. Welcome to bmt........bobby j.
  15. Welcome to bmt nice truck..........bobby j.
  16. How often do you have to adjust your brakes........could be stripped slack adjusters..........my two cent .......bobby j.
  17. Sorry to hear that for ya Paul......as every day goes by and I get older I'm now seeing that a handshake and a mans word are no longer his bond........bobby j.
  18. Welcome to bmt.......bobby j.
  19. Welcome.........bobby j.
  20. . First city truck with 673 and turbo I remember was '79 mc.......the last of the mb's we had that we're non-turb was 1977......they are good little trucks just tight to work on.........bobby j.
  21. Welcome aboard.......fine looking truck.......bobby j.
  22. Nice truck.....looks good.....welcome to the site......bobby j.
  23. After all these years it's still like an open wound to me never forget nor never give up..........bobby j.
  24. Congratulations .........super dog will be super famous.......bobby j.
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