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About Ossablt

  • Birthday 01/12/1963

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  1. thanks for the tip I will check around.
  2. Looking for mirrors and brackets for a b30s like the ones on the truck in the attached picture...anyone have any or know where to look?
  3. Anyone have a B30 that could help with some info and pictures? I have a 1955 B30s that I would like to get back to original. I have questions about the original locations and style of the air tanks, battery box, fuel pump, air cleaner. Missing the dog from the grille shell would this have been a silver or gold colored dog? The one on my 58 B61 is gold. Also is there any truck salvage yards around with B model Macks?
  4. Looking for the B30 emblems for the hood sides air cleaner for a EN331 gas engine fender top panels mirrors & brackets {small cowl mounted single arm, not door mounted} driveline style park brake parts.
  5. Looking for a set of B30 emblems for hoods sides & bulldog for the grille shell.
  6. I can't see any place that the fuel pump was mounted on the block. There is a block off plate, but it appears to have been on there a while. Not sure if that is where the fuel pump would have been.
  7. This one does have air brakes, but compressor and brackets are gone. Generator is also missing. Where does the fuel pump mount on the 331?
  8. Picked up a B30 with a EN331, missing some parts. Wondering if some one could send me some pictures of the engine, fuel pump, air compressor and brackets, air cleaner. Anyone know where I might find these parts?
  9. I would like to buy a pair of "Pitchford's" dealership emblems. I have a 1958 B model that was sold at Pitchford's in Eugene Oregon. The hood sides had the dealership emblems on them, I would like to put them back on.
  10. How many different dash flipper valves were used in B models? What were they used for? I see in pics that it looks like some trucks had 1,2, or 3 flippers also saw a pic of one mounted under the dash, was this factory? The pics are not close enough to read the dial.
  11. Is it possible to use lever style dash valves instead of the push/pull style for parking and trailer supply? I am converting a B model to brake cans with park brakes and would like to have dash valves that look like the ones used on B models.
  12. John, Any pics you have would be great to see. If I am reading the info correctly that I received from the Mack museum, the B61 that I have came with a duplex and a 8031. The auxilliary box has been removed, but I would like to get one back in to it. Vance
  13. Anyone have a B model with a factory auxillary trans? I would like to get some pictures of how they were mounted, shift linkage etc.
  14. Thanks for all the help...I did find the SWD 57 on the build sheet and then a follow up page showing a change at the Portland branch to the SWD 571. On the frame I can see the outline of where the suspension attached on the outside of the frame. There is two somewhat triangle shaped outlines between the duals and then the same pattern before and after the axles. What would the outer two be for?
  15. I have the sales/build records from the Mack museum. Some of the copies are a little hard to read. I am not sure what numbers that I need to use. Some of the numbers are as follows 1st page {front axle?} CRDP 92 11 KHA 556 AP 33 64 KHA 345 AP 2 2nd page {rear axle?} CRD 93 11 KHA 4134 AP 19 64 KHA 345 P2 This truck is in good shape, but the rear axles, aux trans & front brakes have been removed. It appears that it had a camelback that mounted on the outside of the frame rails. It now has a single with a tag. I would like to get it back close to what it had from the factory. I would also like to know if it came with spoke or budd wheels on the rear.
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