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Kyle 537

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Everything posted by Kyle 537

  1. What is good Egr diff psi??
  2. Injector camshaft bearing bore crack, bearing spun out. Has any one ever seen this?
  3. If the light is blinking on the button just set it brakes and hold the button down and you'll hear it rev up. Otherwise you'll need tech tool.
  4. I'm a tech for a oil field fleet, of water haulers. We have about 10 mo8 engines and they have all been great. One set of cups went bad on a 2011 (that truck was rolled has been problems ever seance) other then that the MPs have been awesome. sensor failed here and there and a couple def pumps.
  5. What ended up vein the problem. I am have the same thing on a truck.
  6. Have you checked fuse?
  7. Thanks for all the help!
  8. Took the truck on a 40 mile teSt drive and it went inactive and cleared.
  9. Ok. And what exactly is it. So I can get my boss on to it if we have to pay for it. All the service info I'm guessing ?
  10. I've done several crystal sublimation an regular with no luck. I don't have access to the portal how can I get registered. Dose the company have to pay for it?
  11. Open circuit code for #5 injector. the plug on the injector. Poor contact or broken wire, that's what I've ran into. Someone else may have more ideas.
  12. Any codes on the dash?
  13. I have to put the catalyst back on. These guys knocked the ceramic filter out of the one I replaced in another truck (ig try into get more flow idk how they thought it would fix it) I'm no pro but I've learned a lot and I know they don't put something on the truck you don't need lol. but hopefully it works. Let m know how yours goes.
  14. Awesome. Getting the sensors now. Haven't had a chance to get back to that truck yet. A lot of brake downs lately. I will def. do that I have try the crystal sublimation regen with no luck. Thanks for all the help.
  15. Psid 47 fmi 1. After treatment regeneration status fmi1 I data valid but below normal operational range. I would check the fuel injector on the turbo lead off pipe. 8mm bolts, See what it looks like and try cleaning it. You can get a kit with now Teflon washer and blot, be careful they like to brake off. Ppid 326 fmi 0 is after treatment DPF system monitor. High soot load in DPF because the injector isn't workin properly I would figure.
  16. would you happen to know typical fix for SPN 4094FMI1.
  17. Well hell, idk the dealer said they have seen only on bad. I hade one throwing a dozer code every thing was workin fine food def quality, all test checked out good. Replaced dozer did several regens and rest drives long ones code would clear then come back right after putting back into service. We had a new wrecked truck out back with only 1000 miles. Put that catalyst on the truck ran one regen and no problems sense. And now there is another on that seams to be bad.
  18. What causes a SCR catalyst to go bad. I'm guessing over dozing of def fluid, or soot buildup. is there a way to clean one like they can bake the DPF filters?? had two in the fleet go out now. Ran SCR system text and every thing check out good, fluid dozing measures to spec. I replaced dozer to be sure it didn't hang open at times maybe.
  19. Yep sound to be a very likely culprit. As for checking the injector cups challenger learned me a couple weeks ago the best way is to run a clear line from the rear of fuel filter housing to the rear of the head and from the overflow one the front to the front of housing or tank and you will see air comein out if the head but not goin in hens compression into fuel galley. But bein as it won't run well have to wait his reply on that I haven't ran in to that yet. Iv only had 2 cup issues an there were low power burning coolant and the other just running like crap. There is also a bulletin icons on Google threw Bruckners Mack if you type in Mack air in fuel system check. Hope it goes well for you. I know how big of. Headache these things Can be. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Ok I found threw googling problems ( also how I found this site). Type in Mack 2010 emissions manual, the first one on the list should be threw aurora Mack. It is a very helpful guide for these emission codes. It'll tell you what conditions set each code and possible causes. I printed it out and uses it almost daily. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Any codes will be very helpful. I'm not the best but iv been learning my self on the tech tool. Idk if messed with guided diagnostics any but it's very helpful. Challenger and staxx always help me out on here there really good so any problems you have just post and some one will be able help you out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I'm in the same boat buddy. We have about 60 of them in oil field. Tell more about tho be the won't fire on fluid. And more about the egr and dpf issues. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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