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Everything posted by mack4ever

  1. the weather in the netherlands is not so truck frendley. much rain at summertime and snow and salt in the winter but there was not very much rust on this truck. a few little spots on the outside of the cab and the plates where the steps are mounted. easy to fix. the owner put new photo`s on his website. leon.
  2. hello jay. yes there are a few video`s on youtube. a frend of mine took some photo`s and made the video`s when we were driving around. he put them on youtube. leon.
  3. the renault on the trailor is also an r model. it`s a R340Ti. it`s a nice truck with much cabspace for that time. it has 340 hp and a 18 speed transmission. leon.
  4. i like the gravedigger. my favorite collors. leon.
  5. that are some very fine trucks. thanks for posting. leon.
  6. that`s a very good looking combination. like the load,maybe something for my trailor. leon.
  7. you can find some photo`s of the second loaded tr4ip i made with my r600 and trailor. http://www.eddylenders.nl/restauratie.htm hope you like it. leon.
  8. that`s a good looking mh.
  9. just picked up my new (old) home. want to fiks it up and take it to truckshows so i have a place to sleep.
  10. very good looking trucks. mack4ever.
  11. thank you for the photo`s. i liked them very much. beautiful trucks ,special the macks. mack4ever.
  12. maybe the tracktor was ment to pull a feultank semytrailor. so the hot exhaustgasses com out in front and not so close to the trailor. we had the same things here in europe for flameble goods. mack4ever.
  13. hi. can you help to find a steeringwheel for a 1960 bmodel. it has to be painted so it doesn`t have to look like new. thank you. leon.
  14. i will try to take some photo`s of the axles and springs of a army towtruck in our shop. it has planetairy axles. the most trucks we sell have a single wheel steerable tag axle and airride. Leon.
  15. [it`s ugly and got european springs.
  16. [thank you all guys. it was a bussy weekend.(big party) so i had to clean out the mess. got some more macks here in the netherlands i heard. two visions and one mh. so it`s getting better here. leon.
  17. the outside of the engine looks the same as mine. mine is a 1966 r600 with a 711 non turbo engine. but it`s a r607t mack4ever.
  18. truck and trailer.
  19. first time with semy.
  20. a very good looking rs you have there. hope my superliner is going to look that good .but that will take a while and lots of love. mack4ever.
  21. p.s. let me know if you found something ans if you liked it.
  22. hoy rhasler. don`t know for sure. i think between 30 or 40 macks. then there are about 50 european oldtimers and about 100 specialtransport trucks and cranes. the are a few movies on you tube. check out : mack en speciaaltransportdag utrecht on you tube and you find some short movies of the macks and the ather trucks. it`s worth to look at it. mack4ever.
  23. don`t know yet. i want to restore it cause i like the big grill in the superlinerhood. but to much projects and to little time. first i have to finich my trailer and then start on the b model towtruck. that`s very much work and parts are hard to come by here in europe. but i can drive the superliner so there is not a hurry to start on it. about the shipping costs i can`t help you cause i bought the truck here in the netherlands. someone bought it and shipt it to the netherlands for a costemer who wanted it onlt seen by a photo. but when the truck was here he didn`t want it any more so it sad by the buyer who had no use for it. so i bought it and now i can play with it. mack4ever.
  24. this is my superliner unloaded at the mackday in the netherlands. mack4ever.
  25. [it`s to long. you can`t drive the tracktor here in europe. and certanly not with that trailor. mack4ever.
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