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Everything posted by mack4ever

  1. it was john`s truck.i bought it from him. and superdog , did you find a radiator for my h model?
  2. didn`t dig in that deep.just liked it and it looks solid so i bought it.
  3. it1s still in the usa.want to make it run to pul the trailer we bought to take some parts home.
  4. no those are not mack bushings.the centerhole is not big enough so i have to dril then out. i got these by a parts suplaier that has maney trailerparts. and it`s in europe.
  5. thank you but it`s a long way
  6. did some work on the cabmounts of my h model
  7. i`m ok thank you for your consurns. it`s not near the place i live so i have to watch the news to see what happens out there. but we dutch people talk all about it but just let this all happen and do nothing about it. leon.
  8. happy new year to al my mack frends.
  9. there`s a new dog in town. just got it licend.came from belgium to the netherlands.
  10. hello i'm looking for a torque rod from a 1991 supperliner partsnr 17qf362p2
  11. mack4ever


    need also some headlights and door parts. maybe some lt model parts wil fit. leon.
  12. could it be that the headlights from a lt model are the same as the h model lights? maybe somebody can find some outthere. leon.
  13. found some holes i didn`t want to find.
  14. mack4ever


    i need some pars for my h63. anyone knows where to find them? this is the bottom of my radiator
  15. Did some hobbying on the H63. it's always worse than you think it is. The truck is complete but I'm gonna need more parts than I'm happy with.
  16. do you have pictures?
  17. ok thank you. leon
  18. hello Mike. i don`t come to macungie this year. hope next year. has the piston you have the right size as i posted above? Leon.
  19. i thought so. i`m not thinking there are much new ones but maybe a few good used ones.
  20. if you have a good used one it wil do. a p2 is that oversize?
  21. need a piston from 673 engine. see the parts wanted section. Leon
  22. mack4ever


    hello guys. i`m in need of a piston with rings of a 673 turbo engine. the diameter is 4 7/8 and the pin diameter is 1 7/8. it has 4 piston rings the number on the old piston is 41326P1. thank for the help. Leon.
  23. i`m interested in the parts.send me a pm and we can talk about it. Leon
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