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Everything posted by Macktech689

  1. I'm using IE9 and just entered the chatroom and the dude is still there, doubt its your web browser
  2. Here in the US and Canada we use Premium Tech Tool (PTT) for diagnostics,programming and parameter changes. Use of PTT outside of the US and canada is prohibited. You will need to get in contact with a local dealer to find out which software is used in Australia. Good Luck.
  3. The reason you're getting the fault is the VSS signal is stopping. The control modules monitor both wheel-based vehicle speed from the ABS system and the vehicle speed sensor at the rear of the transmission, when the speeds differ more than a few MPH the fault will set. I'm assuming you have a Mack trans, make sure the yoke and bolt are tight and the tone ring is not slipping. Check the speed sensor adjustment, turn it in until it bottoms and back it out 1 turn. Check the connectors at the sensor and trans. to chassis harness. Good Luck
  4. There is a ground connection behind the cluster on the left side just below the dash cluster opening, several wires on a small screw that has caused weird gauge problems.
  5. Check out the cab-mate kit on stengelbros.com website. The R600 kit is just under $800
  6. I checked a schematic and it looks like the C connector powers the trailer ABS .
  7. MID 128 PPID 326 FMI 0 is DPF soot level data valid but above normal range, Fault will set after several incomplete regens due to low post-cat temp. usually caused by a plugged aftertreatment injector. PSID 47 FMI 1 or 12 Indicates the injector is plugged or not functioning correctly.
  8. If there are no problems with the engine releasing too much NOX, like some sort of EGR system issue. Try replacing both NOX sensors and make sure the ECM & ACM software is up to date and perform a regen. If the fault can be cleared after the regen the problem is most likely fixed, but 4094 faults can be a pain to repair.
  9. The oil temp sensor is actually in the oil pan combined with the oil level sensor. double check the coolant level.
  10. If your Mack dealer doesn't know that you need to use another dealer!
  11. I used to work at Sidley Mack, JR kept his trucks in their shop. Never thought I'd see that paint job again!
  12. Possibly a problem with one of the three power relays, They are located in the " glovebox " area on the left side tucked behind the dash.
  13. The cam also actuates the 6 fuel pumps damage to one of the followers wil cause a missfire
  14. Make sure the connector hasn't fallen down under the trans. where it can get wet.
  15. Yes the PTO wiring goes through the Transmission, chassis and cab harness. If its not being used the PTO connector is tied up on top of the transmission on the left side. If you cant find the problem a dealer can disable the PTO option since you dont need it.
  16. If your PTO is activated using a dash rocker switch the cab and chassis wiring harness's are used and a signal is sent to the vehicle control module.
  17. No problem, glad to help.
  18. Truck was built in Dec. 97, engine- E-7 350 Trans- Fuller RTOF14908LL, Mack CRD93 carriers 4.42 ratio. Couldn't determine the suspension weights.
  19. Sorry, this truck is too old for the data base I can use. couldn't find it.
  20. Post the VIN, I'll find out what I can
  21. The E6 4 valve head engine was produced between 1984 & 1989, any mack older than that should have a 2 valve engine. Going from memory here but that should be correct.
  22. If the VIN you gave is correct its a CXN613 with a ASET AC-460P engine. This engine should produce 485 HP if it is running correctly.
  23. Check the decal on the valve cover, it will tell you what it is
  24. 96 PSI is excellent, the fuel pressure regulator generally keeps the pressure around 80
  25. No I haven't, only been working in the carolina's since 05
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