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1958 F.W.D.

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1958 F.W.D. last won the day on April 22 2023

1958 F.W.D. had the most liked content!


About 1958 F.W.D.

  • Birthday 11/12/1973


  • Location
    Hellertown, Pa.

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  • Interests
    Antique fire trucks of all kinds, antique road tractors especially F, R and U model Macks, Autocars and Brockways.
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1958 F.W.D.'s Achievements

Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

  • Dedicated Rare
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Community Answers

  1. Thats the biggest single reason why this site is the best! The fact that we all love to help one another! Whether you are in the USA, Ireland or Moscow, Russia (Vlad!!!) we all look out for one another!
  2. Why do Scots wear kilts? Sheep can hear zippers!
  3. I think he's trying to bamboozle someone, I know it's not me, I have seen him consume mass quantities of Iron City.....
  4. Where is Tommy and what have you done with him?
  5. Excellent. I "suggested" they give you some kinda refreshments.
  6. Did you get in OK? When I made some phone calls for you I told 'em that if anyone gave you any lip that I would personally come down there and straighten them out.
  7. Hmmmmmmmmmmm????
  8. Greetings from the East Coast and Mack Country. Assuming it is a gas engine, you probably have a 707. While parts are starting to become scarce, you can still find them here and there if you know where to look (with the exception of exhaust manifolds- they are really rare due to so many failures.) Have you contacted the Mack Trucks Historical Museum to get a copy of your build file and manuals? If not, they are free (but we do appreciate at donation.) All queries are answered in the order received and normally take 4-6 weeks to answer. Go to this link, fill it out including the SN/VIN and in the comments, ask for copies of anything in the file as well as chassis and engine manuals. https://www.macktruckshistoricalmuseum.org/contact-us/ Good Luck!!
  9. Are you certain it was an 8V71? I don't think there's room in there for a 6V71 let alone an 8 unless someone did some work to the sheet metal.
  10. Does the pump panel have a tach? If so how is that driven?
  11. Well duh....stupid pod things
  12. I have a LOT of leaves from four oak trees but all I have to do is blow them to the curb and the town comes and vacuums them up 3 or 4 times every fall.
  13. That there is an Anniversary-Series Seagrave, old tractor-drawn aerial. (tiller)
  14. Meanwhile the ports on the Delaware River in Bucks County Pa that are not ILA are in full swing running 24 hours.........
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