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1958 F.W.D.

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Everything posted by 1958 F.W.D.

  1. Get all the measurements of the can assembly and maybe even the old filter and go to an OLD SCHOOL NAPA (or other...) Parts Counter. NOT a chain store where the kids behind the counter arent even through puberty yet and drive souped-up 4 cylinders....OLD SCHOOL PARTS COUNTER. Plop down the old filter (in a bag or bucket of course) and the measurements (hell maybe even the can assembly) and say "I need a filter for this." The older the guy(s) behind the counter are, the better. Then if/when you are successful, do what I did and order about a half dozen of them which should last you years if you change the filter every 2 years. (I change my oil 1x per year.)
  2. Moms and Grandmas usually have no sense of asthetics.
  3. WXTU, the country station in Philadelphia sponsors a "Toy Truck Parade" every year a few weeks before Christmas, we all get together with big trucks or small trucks, bring new and unwrapped toys, and line up at the sports stadium complex in South Philly, then parade up Interstate 95 to the Franklin Mills Mall just off the Woodhaven Road Exit of 95. It's a lot of fun and all the toys go to charity. One guy, who usually remains anonymous usually fills someone's antique pup trailer with bicycles and board games.
  4. The guy in the sleeper has bricks under the mattress so he doesnt sleep on a slant.
  5. I have morning sex every morning....I tap her on the shoulder and ask for some, she rolls over and says "fuck off."
  6. Hand Check!
  7. Exactly. The only way to get an honest, emotionally detached appraisal is to hire an appraiser (preferably credentialed by the AACA, ATHS or another recognized organization) to come out and do an appraisal for you. And yes, Mowerman is correct, much to the dismay of many antique truck owners; they generally are not worth very much other than scrap value. Part of me would like to think that my 1958 FWD Pumper is worth $10,000 but realistically I know I probably couldnt get more than $3000 on a good day for it.
  8. Great pictures of all those kickstand-less U Models.
  9. I have often said that I want a 1958 Plymouth Fury to park next to my 1958 FWD Fire Truck.
  10. He can't say no unless if you ask. And I absolutely agree with getting an agreement in writing.
  11. If it tastes like chicken, smells like fish and looks like a taco......oh wait we're talking about meatloaf, my bad.
  12. Groan......Vicenzo......That crap only works on flat surfaces, too many "nooks and crannies" in hubs, you need to take them things off and sandblast em if you want it done right!!!! Also that stripper is damn near impossible to fully remove without lighting up a good hot steam pressure washer. It would be a waste to do all that hard work and then apply the paint only to have it flake off.....
  13. thats not too far from me, if you call those guys and its still there and you need a looksee, let me know.
  14. I knew it was only a matter of time........
  15. Looks Awesome Nephew Vinnster.......Take the front hubs off and sand blast them before you paint em!!!!!
  16. Ben, the detroits down there all run in the opposite direction, just like the toilets
  17. CF, they said some of the best nights of their lives with their clothing on were the nights I set up fopr them to ride at 88/38 and 82/31.....lol although it wasnt the 70's/80's they still caught a lot of work!!!!
  18. So over the years I have made a few friends from Australia through my fire service contacts. They all came over here and traveled around the USA, and I helped them out by hooking them up with friends in the Philadelphia, Camden and other Fire Departments. The wife and I would love to go visit them and "Oz" as they call it, and last night I was screwing around just looking at airfare for me, the wife and the three ankle biters just for shits and giggles.....and about shit myself at the cost of airfare.....wow.....needless to say we aint going there for a LOOOONG time. Our friends are slightly irritated because it is so much cheaper for them to come here....????? Oh well, just venting.
  19. Most of us have "Playboy" or "Maxim" on the lid of the toilet to read while we do our morning business......Mike has "CF Mack Journal" on his toilet lid.
  20. C'MON!!!! Help a guy out here.....post this before my wife finds something to do for me that Saturday!!!!!
  21. So sick and tired of these Muslims. Suggestion: If we americans are so disrespectful, and the United States is full of anti-islamic infidels and we are so evil, here's a suggestion: Why dont you move the fuck back to your war-torn country into mud hut with no electricity and running water and open sewage running down the street with no infrastructure of any kind, and no schools for your children. We'll pull out all of our troops from your sandbox and all funding. GO! LEAVE! GTFO!!! Dont let the door hit you in the ass!!! Go on!! We're waiting!!!......still waiting.....waiting....still waiting....oh....not that bad here after all, huh??? Good. NOW SHUT YOUR FUCKING PIEHOLES!
  22. go to bed every night and wake up every morning with one..........(sigh.....)
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