So a little bird just told me that Other Dog has retired. The red KW has been cleaned out, vacuumed, washed and returned to FL Moore and the keys handed in. (Were the second logbooks burned...???)
I just wanted to say Congratulations to one of the biggest assh......I mean one of my best and closest friends on his retirement. Please enjoy a safe, healthy and happy life with Zina from Florida now from Virginia. You certainly deserve every good fortune that is hopefully headed your way. Thank you for being a good friend- we do not get to see each other often but I consider you family and if Zina from Florida now from Virginia becomes Mrs. Other Dog that means she will be family too. Love you guys and god bless you!!!
Now, the question remains: What are you going to do on Monday morning? I have a great suggestion, how does "Other Dog's Steel Coil Chaining School and Brass Pole-a-torium" sound? It's a combination school to teach proper coil chaining and stripper bar. We can have all kinds of Winfall Wimmen and smoke some brisket (not close to the building) and have some Schlitz and Jack Daniels. We will make millions, I promise!! (I think.)