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mrsmackpaul last won the day on October 27 2024

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About mrsmackpaul


  • Location
    North Queensland Australia

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    Mack trucks
    old Cat crawler tractors
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Community Answers

  1. How cool is that Harry, always reckoned a C model would be just the go for something very cool in Australia I didn't know of amy in Australia Paul
  2. Looks good to me, paint it blue I reckon It doesn't really matter what colour, I reckon something to contrasts to the rest of truck underneath Yeah I know, pretty bloody silly, but I never have been really smart It will be interesting to see if it is a lot quieter out and about Paul
  3. Was a good looking unit Bob Dunno why the Australian ones had 4 headlights, thinking it might of legal reasons to get the lights at a legal height Paul
  4. Im pretty sure the seal is only on the pump, I seem to recall that the housing that the compressor bolts to is open to the compressor Paul
  5. Thats a great read, you all need to click on the link Paul
  6. Do they Mc Cafe in the State's? We are told it's a Australian thing but I have no idea if that's true https://mcdonalds.com.au/menu/mccafe In recent years table service has begun, were they deliver the meal to the table Most people in Australia use the drive thru and cars at peak times are queued all the way up the street And yes it definitely isnt a cheap feed anymore Fish and chips was normal for all Australian families on a Friday and Saturday night until the mid 70's when the restaurant chains arrived Paul
  7. I could just agree with you Geoff, but then we would both be wrong Charging and disharging are very different operations Paul
  8. I gather this is the movie "The Founder" The link ks put up isnt available in Australia Dunno if he is or was a piss head but he was a goer that stumbled across something and saw a opportunity and took a chance If the McDonald brothers weren't so stubborn I feel they would still be involved and be wealthy beyond their imagination Paul
  9. I was always told, or maybe read it was for the very narrow mountain roads, the driver could see just how close to the edge he was Have never seen a Fiat like your fathers in the flesh Plenty of later models but nothing of that age Paul
  10. That's only talking about starting When it comes to charging a series system, is better without a doubt Every cell is charged equally In a parrallel system this is not the case at all The battery and it's cells that have highest charge are charged first That battery with the least amount of charge may never be charged at all Or even a dirty battery terminal prevents a parrallel system from charging one section of the circuit Understanding what happens in battery charging and discharging is quite technical and something most auto electricians don't understand. These things can not be just Googled, or old mate up the road has said, or it always has worked fine for me like this Paul
  11. Love the pooches in the snow Your making good progress Paul
  12. 2 x 6 volt batteries is very common and even on air start Macks, was normal in Australia Batteries in parallel are no good and unreliable in most applications I think 24 volt start or maybe Europe had 24 volt lights etc like Japanese trucks Before L.E.D. lights a lot of road trains ran 24 volt lights to keep the amps down, in this case 4 x 6 volt batteries would be the norm Or 24 volt starter motors a series parrallel switch is the go and 4 x 6 volt batteries Paul
  13. Pic 3 is a Mack Australia paint scheme used in the brochure and advertising blurb End of the day, paint it however you like, I found styles of paint schemes I liked and then added the colours of my choice It is surprising (on a truck with a bonnet) just how little room there is and how busy it gets, if not careful it gets to busy Speak to people that pin stripe and scroll trucks, they have a really good idea at what does and doesn't work, there names are usually on the truck somewhere as well Paul
  14. Nah mate Paint it how you want Paul
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