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mrsmackpaul last won the day on October 27 2024

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About mrsmackpaul


  • Location
    North Queensland Australia

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    Mack trucks
    old Cat crawler tractors
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Community Answers

  1. So do you blokes call the KW emblem a bug, thats what's known as im Australia Probably only by older blokes now Looking like your enjoying the new job Paul
  2. If you drop the wheels off a normal bag trolly can be used or if your feeling fit enough just grab the hub and drum in your arms and lift it on and off, this was my normal way until recent years Sort of roll the drum and hub up on blocks of wood and just lift across So a few different simple ways have been mentioned Greasey board Pallet truck Hand trolly Motor bike jack, this works really good and doesn't take up much room Paul
  3. I guess it depends on the country Australia and New Zealand use the standard R model cab on a Superliner Paul
  4. Plenty of farm tractors used sae 30 oil in the power steering years ago Most farmers put what ever they used in the motor in the power steering I think the main difference with oils for hydraulic applications is how they behave when they get hot Motor oil doesn't compress as well as hydraulic oil when it gets hot, this isn't usually a drama on power steering Some oils frotha lot and then don't pump properly I use hydraulic oil in power steering, I figure if the seal does fail the small amount of oil added to the motor is like pissing in ocean to watch the tide rise Paul
  5. 7.10 am First cuppa coffee, let the dogs out for a sniff and a pee Mum called around 4 weeks and asked if I could collect her dog, so have a very old Kelpie with us as well Mums been in hospital pretty much since with Hoskins Lymphoma, they started chemo but had to stop as she's to crook for that at the moment Princess and Penny watching T.V. last night
  6. Hope the Mexican was nice, not quiet snowing here 39°C or 102°f in the old money, no A.C. in the Mack, pretty warm none the same Coppers wheeled me not long after the photos coming home "Have you had anything to drink ?" "Hell yeah, water and Im out of it now" Anyway breathalyzed and sent on my way, think he just likes my truck LOL Paul
  7. Delivering the hay Pulled up at the pub on the way Unloading hay Heading home Paul
  8. It is amazing how much a good set of tyres improves the appearance Paul
  9. A great result, all these older types when in good order are pretty stiff and shifting has to be slowed down until the oil warms up a bit Paul
  10. Sounds like something is loose inside the pump or governor Mechanical diesels either run or they don't If it runs fine when it's running but suddenly won't and it isn't getting air in the fuel system it sounds like something is pulling the governor to far back and it's sticking Paul
  11. I finally had a chance to watch the video's I have been a tad busy of late Fantastic job on the rebuild, great stuff all round and hopefully it will give many trouble free yeara of operation The oil pump plunger should sit in a eccentric or out of round doo hickie and pumps in and out as the shaft rotates On my 12 speed someone had sealed it up with aome RTV silicone sealant crap that oozed out on the inside and broke off, then this crap got pumped through the oil galleries and eventually got stuck on the sliding dogs Required a complete disassembly to fix And I think my box was dirtier than yours, what a mess Great work and a really impressive job you've done Paul
  12. A similar thing was trialled in Australia https://pjv101.net/cd/pages/c561m.htm Paul
  13. I wouldn't worry about number 2, unless you know what your looking at it will be just making things more confusing Start with, this part I think is a axle part, or a motor part or a brake part and so on Just gather them together in piles or area's Then just make a start, most things have witness marks, like were two parts that were painted as one came apart, just try assembling things like this, use different paint colours as a guide and so on Most of the gear will be pretty easy to find the answers two Paul
  14. Some more to this story courtesy of LLib Enilom Is not my story at all Here is a truck built by Jack Ehret. The first picture is of it loaded with 27 tons of pineboard from Oberon to Townsville. The second photo is bulk wheat stuck on Mount Tomah due to lack of traction, it had a 50/50 pusher under it. The third photo is the poor old worn out 6.71 getting a new set of bearings at Cassilis after the oil pump failed. The last photo was taken just north of Lotus Creek, with 27 tons of Otis lifts and escalators for the new Woolworths store in Townsville. Some were in the Pilliga Scrub Rolling in a set of bearings near Cassilis Beer o'clock just north of Lotus creek 1967 Paul
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