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Everything posted by mrsmackpaul

  1. well one things for certain you wont out run them or be able to hide from them BIG ORANGE AND SLOW IM SURE YOU WILL BLEND RIGHT IN Good luck maybe put it of for a week Paul
  2. good luck with it all Paul
  3. if nothing else it looks tough as nails Paul
  4. does it have a little key or shaft thats slides into the back of the 90 degree doohicky that may be broken or fallen out If the 90 degree thingy has the cable off and still in motor can it be turned if so the problem is between the 90 degree thingy and the motor the drive key might be missing Paul
  5. thats a big job he's taking on it would be just the thing for ridding out a earth quake would just feel like some of our roads in north QLD Paul
  6. I would guess it's a Ruston Bucyruss or at least that was the name they were sold under out all made in Pommy land I think they were made under licence from the US and the ones I have seen out here dont have any markings on the counter weight's as to the size bit hard to tell with something for the size comparison Back before the UK joined the EEC we had very little if any import dutys from any countries in the commonwealth or empire as it was called any Ford Fairlanes or Chev Impalas Ford Chevy Trucks basically any US styled product came from the Canada as they are part of the common wealth hardly anything came from the US at all even though they had the import dutys the US trucks were that good compared to any pommy trucks and were over twice the price they sold out here and sold that well compared to the pommy trucks there were waiting lists for the trucks The US trucks once established came in CKD to make them cheaper and later set up factories to make them cheaper even still as the more Australian content the lower the tariffs this the cheaper the price Talk about taking it off topic sorry fellas Paul
  7. great photos there apple dog I have seen some of those apple varieties in Australia Paul
  8. thirsty work this driving around the country These long weekends hanging out with the boys drinking beer will all come to a end when Kristen turns up you'll have a week or so cleaning up the house before she gets in you'll have to chuck out all the take away food containers all the empty beer bottles man oh man you've some work ahead of you As I have said before NZ sure is a pretty place makes Australia look pretty lame I just cant get over how nice it looks over there keep them photos coming what part of NZ are these photos from ? Paul as you can see another cold winters night on Rita Island north QLD
  9. Tim they sure are a heavy looking unit looks like Port headland has some rain I thought it was normally dry as chips up there ?? The mining slow down is going to bite real hard I fear in the not to distant future I hope you manage to steer clear of a all the problems that come with it great photos thanks for sharing Paul
  10. It sure is a pretty spot there Tim looks like it's starting to cool down for winter as well Paul
  11. Its like I always say we are all pretty much the same the world over we just wanna have laugh and enjoy life And for some useless information in Australia what you all call a Combine we call a Header what you call a seeder we call a combine its a funny old world Paul
  12. another generation of the Ballard clan are having a crack good on em we need people these days having a crack Paul http://ballardtransport.com.au/
  13. thats a lot of stair there Tim did you get to meat the Prince ?? Are the Kiwi's all keen on the royal family ? they almost faded away in Autralia during the 80's and early 90's after Lady Di fell off the pearch we all sought of fell in love with them again as the boys got older and became men they come across a lot more human than the rest of them Paul
  14. Guddy Tim have been trying to send this across as a PM but Im having no luck so put it as topic and you can read some thing to fill in a Saturday night on your pat malone as usual Tim dont know if this stuff is your cup of tea but enjoy or discard and the reason I dont put this type of stuff up here is because who knows with copy right rules and laws I might up set the powers that be in google land if so let me no and I'll remove seeya Paul
  15. fantastic stuff Paul
  16. theres not a lot more to change the regulator has to be fiddled with any radios or electronic equipment and the rest lights starter motor ect should all be pretty good I think Paul
  17. HMMMMMMMMMMMMM so is Baddog gunna be a Bad dog or a good dog for the big event? run a muck fella shes all down hill from 40 Paul
  18. anything like this what about a header demolition derby only in Australia or a caravan demo derby
  19. yes mate the Kiwi's have some strange sporting activites have you seen any tractor drag racing yet ??
  20. Yeah Im pretty sure Barry is onto this I've bean checking to see if I can send a PM every day I reckon for a week or so first I thought it was just me and my upside down computer Paul
  21. well the posting problem is common to all of us at the moment Those Cat trucks are going to take a while to get used to looking at they are a fair bit different thats for sure Paul
  22. I bet Vlad would like it much better at his place What a great truck Paul
  23. wow your were very unlucky I have only ever heard of rims letting go after tyre fitting and filling with air what happened to you could happen to any type of rim car truck or tractor very very unlucky I bet you will be very careful even near a tyre for a long time to come best wishes for a speedy recovery Paul
  24. so how we going Barry ive been tearing the last strands of hair out and then I remembered there has been some problems Paul
  25. thats the go Tim never a dull moment with your work Paul
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