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Everything posted by mrsmackpaul

  1. I feel were not the only ones it makes no sense to
  2. yep all of the above I leave the wheels on the hub and slide the whole lot off as one a pallet jack works well Paul
  3. welcome mate
  4. nice looking truck with a fair old lump on the back I reckon the tyres would just about be kissing Paul
  5. hmmm this has left me scratching my head Im even more puzzled will require some investagation on google Paul
  6. I have never seen any of these before but it sounds to me like a ground or negitive or what ever you call it is crook if all this started all of a sudden Paul
  7. mate if he was on speed he would have got distracted by a fly or snow flake weeks ago Paul
  8. Tim I wouldnt pull any more floor off might even be able to cut one cross beam off at a time at the combing rail end only and just put a jack under it and a string across top and jack it up till straight and once there done cut the combing rail off and use a chain and jacks against the trailer chassis and slowly straighten it out just use your eye for it then weld it back on a few dabs with the paint brush and you will be good to go Paul
  9. Wow to those last four posts it just goes to show we have no idea what goes on around the world then or now Paul
  10. So Tim are you gunna cut the whole section out or just use some steel beams and jacks to push it back it posistion ??? I have straighend some pretty bent things just using RSJ's jacks blocks of wood and chains the less you cut off the less it is going to cost to put back right and the quicker you get there Looks like you have it well in hand though Paul
  11. this thread just keeps on getting better
  12. A large water tank would have be grouse for fighting the sugar can fires when they get out of control not that that would ever happen this machine sounds more interesting the more I read about it
  13. R model convertible that sounds pretty COOL to me that would have been a rare thing
  14. thats a pretty classy looking bit of gear now for a real dumb question why do US fire trucks have no roof Im sure there must be a reason Im pretty sure all fire trucks in Australia had roofs by the time this one was made Paul
  15. dont know what you blokes call that but in this wide brown land we always call it "putting a foot out of bed " Paul
  16. Guy your right about us having to customize most things to get them to suit our environment I always find it interesting to see how the rest of the world works Paul
  17. Yeah mate there is always some bright spark who wants to push the limits on how strong things really are hope it works out ok as Im sure it will NSW to Perth should be good trip if your not in a hurry even better if you have one of your mates to yack to thru the day and at night on the side of the road even have some nice cool drinks maybe a fire you and your mate can solve all the worlds problems around a fire with some drinks and create a whole heap more Paul
  18. you know I tried face book the other day I couldnt work it out if some one 75 can how dumb does that make me happy birthday POP show us young blokes how its done Paul
  19. surprisingly enough for an Aussie at the other end of the earth I new most of those facts already only the last three I didnt no ????????? and I had never heard of the coin before Paul
  20. great pics fifth wheel Paul
  21. fantastic photos Vlad I wonder were those Macks were made ?I notice the cab is different around the mud guards and steps to the one in Australia Those roofs sure look good havent seen of those out here were they a standard Mack thing anywhere else in the world ? thanks for sharing it nevers ceases to amaze me the stuff I learn on this forum Paul just translated this Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! gotta agree seeya Вы держите мечту Влада hope that comes out right the computer says it is
  22. Guy Im sure it is a lot safer than portrayed on the TV news The news people only ever publish bad news so dont be to hard on us all as we only get to see is what they show us Just from my point of view as a farmer in Australia farming in the driest inhabited continent. Anywhere thats hot and dry and they farm successfully Im interested in and there trucks and the history of the place As for or the other stuff on the news well all places around the world have there own problems They have shifted some big loads over there with Macks over the years on an Australian forum Im on there's a fella on there that grew up in Israel and he shares some pretty amazing photo's of trucks in Israel Paul
  23. wobblin mate Im no expert I always by crap and fix it up that way I know whats been done and what hasnt and what short cuts I may or may not have taken but the problem I find when I see something that has being painted I dont know what it was like before Was it really that rough that it had to be painted to make it look good enough to sell And I guess the biggest thing is if I see something and the paint job is crap and things are bent and dented then if the people couldnt make the effort to get it neat and tidy before giving it a quick blow over then what does it say about the rest of there repairs ???? I always prefer to find something that is original in paint ect as I can see it in it's warts and all stage dosent mean I wont buy it if it's rough just means I have a better idea if what I am looking at good luck with it all Paul
  24. A bit like a Kenworth hey Swishy mainly Cat I believe Paul
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