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  1. mrsmackpaul's post in Golden bulldog on a 4x4 or 6x6??? was marked as the answer   
  2. mrsmackpaul's post in R model tractor air system was marked as the answer   
    I have finally fiund the diagram of how Australian R models are plumbed

    Should give you a good idea of whats what 
  3. mrsmackpaul's post in Possible series parallel switch problem was marked as the answer   
    You can bung a amp gauge on each bank and just monitor that each side is charging 
    Anyway the main thing is your up and running fine now
    But to stop a battery failing in the future the batteries need to be monitored for charge as regularly as checking your oil and water 
    A hydrometer can be used once a week

    There are other methods but this is quick and simple and accurate way to monitor the batteries 
  4. mrsmackpaul's post in Rebuilding a 1982 DM686s dump was marked as the answer   
    EBay is the go for manuals, a lot of the manuals are reprints but I find they are okay
    they are pretty simple wiring
  5. mrsmackpaul's post in Dash air toggle switch was marked as the answer   
    Air tailgate 
    Deep reduction
    Locking of dog trailer turn table
    Could be anything
  6. mrsmackpaul's post in 73 R Model fan blade question was marked as the answer   
    Yes it looks about right, there were different types and ones just like this 
  7. mrsmackpaul's post in tip turbine check valve was marked as the answer   
    Dunno if they are or arent available 
    What makes you think its worn out ?
    I had my turbine apart recently and there really didnt appear to be anything to bugger up on the valve 
    It is spring loaded and I had just cleaned around it etc as best I could
    Even if they arent available I think just a normal check valve from a plumbers would work in the short bit of hose
  8. mrsmackpaul's post in Leyland Super Buffalo was marked as the answer   
    the old Ergo cab they had them as Hippo's Buffalo's and with sleeper cabs as well great big long cabs heaps of glass
    Kev the local IH Dealer gave me these pictures of Seddon and Atkinson trucks back in the early 80's

    all Aussie trucks except maybe the second last one
    Tim I didnt know any one else called farmers cockys I always thought it was a Australian thing cow cockys cane cockys grain cockys and the list goes on I dont no why we give names to things in Australia as we never use them even citys towns rivers states the lot all have nick names we are funny buggers
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