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Under Dog

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  1. Sorry about not getting back sooner. Had couple hot loads then finally some home time. I dont have the allison. The trans is the m drive. A 13 speed with clutch all electronic over air controlled. Yes it was a 550hp was just to much power. Took in to shop in Flagstaff has a wiz mack man there. He use to do double and triple frame conversions. He played with it for two weeks. Unreal how it runs. He told me if you live in an area you can get away removing all the emissions crap and retune the engine he says it will turn into a beast and hold together. Ive run alot of different trks over the years for people. These new macks are holding together and making money. What more can a person ask for?
  2. I run a 2010 with mp8 and 13spd auto shift. Pull 48' skate board spread axle. Ive been out 5 1/2 months on this trip along. Mostly heavy steel loads. Always right at 80k gross. Run east to west coast. Least miles a week ive done this trip is 2,854/wk. I pull hills, desert, flat lands, snow, ice, you name it. I run the snot out of this mack! I get 6.7 - 8.1 mpg no problem. My family has always run macks. Telling ya am sold on this mp8. Shes pushing 500k miles dont use drop of oil. Or any fluids. Runs like a watch. Very pleased. This girl has big thighs and pulls good. It set at 450hp. On hills with heavy load 75+k gross. Drop to tenth and maintain 60mph up hill.keep rpms around 1525 - 1575. And the best part...when I do need maintance or parts every! Mack shop treats me right at the right price. Never had that any where else. Best luck to ya. Safe trips.
  3. Best place to obtain info is the factory. Pull the engine control code off id plate call and they will take care of your needs.
  4. Found this mack in south fl. Gona ck on it mire this trip home. Was told its a R68ST butterfly hood w/flat fenders/front.
  5. Under Dog

    Going crazy

    Sounds like have grounding issue. Check your grounds and b.neg battery to frame conection.
  6. Wow! 6 million americans. I left nyc monday on this run. Guess they all live in nyc.
  7. trying to locate the photo post so can post pic of Mack currently running.

    1. MHfred


      UD, good to see you here. I sent you a PM.


  8. Wife and I been looking for one like this. Just not quite this shape. Would like to talk to the owner. See if can work some thing out. Thanks.
  9. The fuel shut off plunger on old cats is on back of the pump prime. Just lift the throttle peddle. If properly adjusted will cut off low pressure fuel feed. If not...well can always snuff it out.
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