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About 57oldgoat

  • Birthday 07/29/1957


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    Toronto Canada

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    fast cars,old trucks and music
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  1. Hi all, I'm new to posting here but here goes. I had 6 factory new Delfi injectors and aftermarket cups installed in my 2008 mack mp8 due to hard starting. Overhead was done and once engine was started, it had a hard time of maintaining fuel pressure. Filter housing was replaced as I currently have 906,000km on it. Fuel pump checked out ok. It was determined that there was fuel aeration occurring at the head. Pulled all injectors out and #2 and #4 were clearly leaking exhaust between injector and cup. I brought all injectors to where I bought them from and had them cleaned and inspected. He said that they all passed with better than new results. So I had them all reinstalled with new oem Mack injector cups. Went to start engine and it would barely start at all unless someone was constantly pumping the hand pump on filter housing. Again there is air returning into fuel tank. New injector hold down bolts were used both times and current Mack Volvo procedures were followed on torque sequence. I'm at a loss here on why are the new injectors and new injector cups not seating properly? I hope that someone has a solution as this is becoming a real thorn.
  2. K All there is no rhyme or reason concerning prices of antique big trucks and components! That pristine diamond reo that sold in Medina ohio that I would have hitchhiked the 1000 mi. To buy sold for 3500. A beautifully   restored B75 in Washington state is for sale for 17k What can you buy for 17k in the auto world? a stripped Kia reo!  what can you buy off 3500,? A 10 yr old 200k stripped Kia reo!Nothing against kias they are reliable cars,but as boring as my wife's corolla! We as truck drivers/afficianados,not the "steering wheel holders" who couldn't tell you how a diesel is different from a gas engine,are fortunate to be able to recognize quality.


    1. BillyT


      Happy birthday, 59 isn't "old" a few years ago I met  a 74 yr old who had just ordered a new tractor! Same to our 46 year old who is a veritable embryo!lol.

  3. I had this problem on a Western star once. It turned out to be the air actuated controller for the cab heater to turn off the coolant flow to the cab for heat. It was defective and would pressurize the coolant system. Hope this helps.
  4. I'll have a good look. If I can find that wire in the dash or fuse box, I'd be able to disarm it completely.
  5. Thanks Gear Jammer. I'll have a good look at that harness. In the mean time, looks like my puppy dog'll be going around the puddles.
  6. when i go through a puddle of water, a live wire shorts out somewhere underneath the truck making the ecm believe that the pto is engaged. the icon on the dash "PTO" lights up and derates the engine. I do have a pto installed but it is aftermarket and not wired through the ecm, and while engaged it has never turned on the PTO icon on the dash. Is there a factory PTO wire in the dash or in the wiring harness that that I can disarm as I don't need it to operate my aftermarket blower pto?
  7. Thanks for all the warm welcomes
  8. That's what I thought also, but upon further investigation I noticed that when my blower pto is engaged it does not light up the "pto" light on the dash. Is there a factory wire in the harness that powers the pto?
  9. Maybe someone can help. I have a '09 Pinnacle CXU 613 that derates everytime I go through slush or a puddle of water. The pto light comes on the dash, I tried to reboot the ecm by shutting the ignition off and restarting the engine but it won't restart as long as the pto light is on. I'm thinking it might be a loose or corroded wire in the harness somewhere. And I thought cats were afraid of water,my mud puppy can't stand it either. Any help on where to look or what wire to rip out would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  10. Hi all.I just found this site and I think it's amazing. I live just north of Toronto Canada and I've been trucking since 79. My younger brother introduced me to the trucking world back in '75 when he got a job driving a huge DMM twin steer cement mixer with front drive. The thing was bigger than a house! I was hooked. I started hauling gravel with a 3 axle dump wagon and bought my first new truck in '86,a R model tractor with 350 four valve engine and 8LL Eaton transmission and 417 rears. It ran circles around the then "state of the art 400 cummings". Everyone wanted to know what I had for power. It was a great truck. I've had various other rides since then including a 2000 gorgeous 379 long nose Pete with Cat power. I went back to Mack last year with a '09 CXU613 mp8 with 18sp and 485hp. It has run pretty good but I am struggling with some ecm issues and trying to get used to the dpf system. Pre egr/dpf is a lot less complicated. I now haul around the city hauling a 6 axle cement trailer,grossing 140,000lbs.
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