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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Mackpro

  1. There are 3 to 4 different air suspension systems that could be on your truck . Any chance of a picture of what you got?
  2. There are 3 different part numbers for ASET AC turbos depending on HP level. The newest turbos are the “D” series. Make sure the part number starts with a 631GC5176. Then the next number can be a EM or a DM then the last number relates to HP level. And the X on the end means reman
  3. No more Vmac1 ECM’s available anymore. We have been doing the VMAC 2 conversation but the jumper harness is sometimes not available however the VMAC 2 reman ECM’s have been available about every time we checked. The last few we got junkyard ECM’s to get the truck going however we were stuck with what ever HP level the host ECM was set at. Best I remember you can’t Reflash used VMAC 1 ECMs to a different vin/truck. Also if you go the used route there were 10 degree and 20 degree Econovance VMAC 1 engines that used different software to control pump timing. Last option is send it to GoECM. We had a few repaired that worked great . However one was fried beyond repair. Sadly VMAC 1 stuff is getting very hard to get.
  4. Mack number is a 20QC4375AP3 add a X on the end of it for rebuilt which is probably all that’s available anymore
  5. On the common rail engines, every time we had DEF in the fuel we ended up having to replace all 6 injectors and flush out the complete fuel system. The Mack CBR-527 bulletin says to replace even the fuel rail , AHI and filter stand.
  6. Amazon has a large variety of the fittings though I’m not 100% sure of the size needed. I save any fitting I can get my hands on when I replace a line on the common rail engines. There is a high failure rate on the return line from the from of the cylinder head to the filter stand on the MP8/D13, there is a new updated line and fitting available now. Sometime in 2022 they started putting the fuel pressure sensor back on the filter stand again. I’ll see if I can find the bulletin on adding it to a early common rail.
  7. You can also do the “Exit Inducement “ feature in tech tool to clear out the derate , then the truck will start doing Nox evaluations as usual and if all is good you won’t see anymore warning. Regens are also a way for the ACM to see the nox readings and clear the system.
  8. Here is the bulletin on flywheel guidelines on the Mdrive flywheels https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/tsbs/2018/MC-10130431-9999.pdf
  9. I believe the flywheel can be turned but there are strict guidelines and bulletins to follow. The lineup shaft for installing the clutch is different than a regular clutch. As FJH said always replace the clutch actuator and the airline inside the bell housing while your there. We also replace the clutch air controller solinoid that’s on the outside of the bell housing as well. It’s a easy but expensive job. It’s by far the easiest clutch job to do compared to manual trans trucks . Most Mdrive clutch failures are due to issues with the actuator or controller. I’ve seen 700,000 mile on a original clutch before.
  10. Yes , early MP software update you had to pick the manually pick the ecm to update. MID 128 , MID 144 MiD140 and so on .
  11. Crank case pressure sensor. They go bad quite often. There is a newer updated part number. You can watch videos on YouTube on where it’s located. Make sure you search MP8 or Volvo D13. The MP7 and Volvo D11 are in different spot.
  12. That’s sad. He was a awesome songwriter. Crazy story about him stealing a Army helicopter and landing it it Johnny Cash’s back yard to deliver him a song he wrote. And Kris writing Me and Bobby McGee for his then girlfriend Janis Joplin. Going through my album collection tonight I found a original Me and Bobby McGee record by Kris, I forgot I even had it.
  13. Mackpro

    Engine fan

    In theory if the AC high pressure switch will turn the fan clutch on and the coolant temp sensor works ( gauge works) then it should work correctly. In the engine parameters there a setting for electric viscous , on-off( Horton air fan) and regular old style viscous fan. If the setting was not correct then possibly there could be a issue. What the last 6 of Vin
  14. Mackpro

    Engine fan

    This is a CV713 correct?
  15. Mackpro

    Engine fan

    12 volts comes of of the fuse box on the firewall under the cab and goes to the fan clutch solinoid that also bolted to the firewall. The ground wire from the fan clutch solinoid goes back to the engine ECM. It makes or breaks the ground to turn on or off the solinoid/fan. The engine ecm looks at coolant temp. AC high pressure and intake temperature to turn the fan on .
  16. Mackpro

    Engine fan

    If your coolant temp gauge is working then the sensor is good. With you Horton air, it take air to dis-engage the fan clutch so when the air pressure is low if will remain engaged till the air pressure get to 80-90 psi. To double check. With the air pressure built up and truck running, unplug the green AC high pressure switch near the AC drier and make sure the fan kicks in . Then plug it back up and the fan should dis-engage in 30-60 seconds ( depending on parameters settings)
  17. Mackpro

    Engine fan

    If it’s a Horton air fan then the engagement and dis-engagement temps are programmable. Usually set to engage at 205 and shutoff when coolant gets down to 195. Any changes to the engine ECM?
  18. If your original VECU was a 12MS48 M4 then a M5 or M6 will work.
  19. The HP level determination is in the engine ECM. The rear gear ratio, tire size and various other parameters are stored in the VECU. I’ll do some looking on what you have
  20. P105594 is set when trying to put automatic transmission into gear without pushing brake pedal. P215A64 is when the ABS wheel speeds don’t match the speedometer sensor. The other is possibly low voltage to brake switch,
  21. What year and model of truck?
  22. Despite the rain and a tornado 20 miles to the south we took a boat ride to one of our old hang outs . Awesome day . Finally back yo the dock for the night.
  23. Vehicle ECM got water in it . Killed the J1939 data link . This caused throttle pedal not to work and idle goes to 900 rpm . Lower dash kick panel in front of passenger seat. Pull it down and see if the VECU has the connectors facing up .
  24. Green antifreeze is every 2 years/200,000 miles. Red/pink antifreeze is every 4 years /400,000 miles. Mack rear carriers and Mack manual transmission is every 2 years/250,000 miles. If you use Mack specification GO-J plus gear lube you can go 3 years/500,000 miles .
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