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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Mackpro

  1. Actually it’s carpet. My dad would go out and find people getting new carpet and take their old and piece it together for the floor. It’s a concrete block garage that sweats bad certain times of the year, the carpet help with that.
  2. I’m looking to get back into bikes . To many close calls years ago so the wife is not on board as of yet. I really like some on the new Indian’s
  3. Pavement Princess is in now. Literally bought it from a 75 year old lady that couldn’t get in it anymore, garage kept with over 200,000 miles on her. Almost like new . Bought it on a whim and led me on a quest for another that led me to a 2021 Gladiator. Jeep’s are like Harley’s , price don’t get ya, the million of accessories do.
  4. I’m willing to donate my Jeep to a new Hamms advertising campaign. Had some great pics but they won’t load. Had to do a quick pic. By the way , our local Walmart has Hamms in the 16 ounce cans for around 86 cents a can. Cheaper than water! Lol
  5. That is awesome!!!! I’ve been collecting Hamms, Pabst Blue Ribbon ,Falstaff , Coors and Schlitz signs , clocks and lights for the last 2 years for my Bar/pool house. Wife says no more signs as I’m out of room to store the ones I already have till the inside of the Bar is done. But tomorrow going looking for more due to the rain keeping us off the lake. I remember the Hamms advertising as a kid.
  6. My lucky Friday night of oil changes on the Charger and 2 Jeep’s with some help from Hamms
  7. Also on those engines, the air compressor gets it fresh air from piping that goes around the back of the engine to the back of the intake manifold. This is all on the turbo boost pressure side. So any leaks in that part equals lower boost pressure. The original intake manifold gasket were standard gasket material and were prone to blow out. The newest gaskets are steel core and more durable. Once you get the after cooler on, hook up the drivers side piping and on the passenger side install a test plug where you can pressure check the after cooler and intake manifold and air compressor intake piping . While there will be air passing through the valves and out the exhausts you can still build enough pressure to check with soapy water on all hoses and gaskets and fittings. My homemade pressure tester .
  8. I pulled up the 1990 Mack tune up manual. A E7 400 specs are 21-37 psi fuel pressure. Pump timing at 19 degrees and boost pressure under a load should be between 20 and 28 psi . .
  9. I sure don’t . Possibly someone on here has had a Ecm flashed. Also look at Rochester Diesel. I believe that they still make high performance turbos and injectors for your engine. I called them years ago and they were very helpful on a project I was working on.
  10. That’s good!
  11. The tech tool only has me checking the start relay and wiring in the fuse panel by clutch pedal. It basically just had me do the same test that I sent you. There is only info on pin 85 when key is in start position. Doesn’t say what it should be with just key in on position. The troubleshooting shooting guide in tech tool for the Mid144 PPID-3 FMI-3 is exactly what I sent you. If 12 volts is at pin 85 when key is in start position then it says “ No fault found” and test ends. When you turn key on is the PTO lamp on in the dash?
  12. Hmmm interesting. I don’t think it should. But I’m still looking
  13. Yes 85 should have 12 volts on it when key turned to start position. But you only have a few seconds to test it. , then you have to cycle the key and try again.
  14. What’s last 6 of vin and I can run it through TechTool
  15. I’ve seen 3.5 to 3.7 volts sent through some circuits to check continuity of circuit. I found this out with the EGR valve . If it doesn’t get the return voltage it will throw a open circuit code. But I’m not 100% sure in your case
  16. The start wire comes out the back of the fuse box and comes through the top 5 pin connector, 4th pin down. Then through the 16 pin connector on pin 9
  17. Testing the relay by it’s self. 80-140 ohms across pins 1 and 2
  18. Pin 85 should have 12 volts when key turned to start position
  19. Very small relay in kick panel fuse box. It must be inserted correctly or no start. The blades must be horizontal. Not vertical.
  20. Your fuse box down by your clutch pedal, does it have a rubber boot that goes around it that sticks out a couple inches along the side? There was a recall on most all CXU, GU and CHU’s. Water was getting in the fuse box and shorting out relays. https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/rcl/2014/RCRIT-14V078-3643.pdf
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