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  1. Ohh hehe I see your from Marengo currently I'm kinda working up your way in Pingree Grove
  2. Aurora,IL just outside Chicago
  3. Or does anyone know of a company that sells chips I could buy. Im kinda a newb with Macks like I said its my first yr with one. And I love it
  4. Hello all I am very glad to come across this site. Well I have a 1997 ch613 Maxi-Cruise that pulls a 22' dump trailor and it has ran great all this summer. I came across my first problem Fri. night (the alternator took a dump) but besides that everything else is just about fine. Just 2 questions though recently at cold starts and when my truck is idling for awhile when I hit the fuel pedal at about 1600 rpm it smokes and a slight hesitation but drives fine I was thinking it was a bad injector. second questing I heard I can tune my own motor example more horsepower over fuel milage etc. etc. remember I have a 1997 ch Maxi-cruise but not sure on how to do this.
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