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About jpavao1066

  • Birthday 01/30/1992


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  1. Thank you guys this makes a lot more sense now! When I went back and looked at the governor adjustment on the rack travel, the rack linkage's stop plate was not even hitting the threaded rod with the two lock nuts that adjusts the max rack travel, so it must be the rack screw you guys are talking about keeping it held back. I will readjust the governor adjustment so I have a reference to start from before I remove the screw and then give it another try. I will also try to get a pic of the pump posted up. Just for clarification, the injection pump must be completely removed from the timing case to access the rack screw, right? Thanks again guys for all of the info, this is a huge help!
  2. Hi everyone, I have a question on the injection pump in my '66 r600. The engine is a 673C, and since I have put the truck on the road, it always seemed like it was a little underpowered. I know it is not going to break any land speed records by any means, but it feels to me like it is a little under fueled, especially on the low end. I have tried adjusting the pump for more rack travel from information I have heard and seen from other folks (since this is the first pump of this style I have done any adjustments too). But the adjustments do not seem to make any difference. The fuel filters are brand new, and all of the lines to and from the pump are all brand new as well. I have also noticed that no matter what I have done, the truck has almost virtually no black smoke, even of it is lugged down or if you plant the accelerator. I have never seen an old diesel that didnt smoke even a little, and with a little pump adjustment there should be something there, but I am not able to make a noticeable difference. Also to be clear, I am not a hot rodder looking to crank the pump to the moon and over fuel the heck out of the truck, and I am fairly knowledgeable with different fuel injection systems so I dont want you guys to think I am poking blindly at the pump looking to ruin it or anything. I am just having a hard time figuring out what my problem may be, and if any of you may be more familiar with these pumps that might have a thought or an idea as to what I could check next. Thank you in advance!
  3. Also check out ebay for wood grain vinyl material. You can buy rolls of various sizes and they arent too expensive. Plenty of different designs to choose from
  4. I was always told that you had to be careful putting a maxidyne in front of the older quad/tri/duplex transmissions because they were not designed to handle the torque like a maxitorque trans was. The maxitorque was a triple countershaft trans to handle the added torque load. That being said, in reality it all depends on how it is driven. Drive it like you would if it was a thermodyne and dont lug it way down and you would probably never have a problem.
  5. Ive called Global a couple of times now and havent had any luck with them getting back to me. Im going to try calling them again today. I found another place to try around here, hopefully I can come up with something.
  6. I will check today when I get home from work. Hopefully I can see it, the tube got crunched while the truck was apart for paint (and im kicking myself in the butt for not being more careful). Ill hope for the best!
  7. Hi everyone, I am in need of the fiberglass intake tubes that run from the air cleaner to under the hood on my 66 r600. The longer one that goes to the turbo intake pipe is broken and I need a new one, and the short one that just goes under the hood for when it is raining/snowing is cracked but I can probably fix that one up if I dont find another one. I havent been able to find one yet so if amyone has any leads to where I could buy it I would really appreciate it! Ive tried Global and havent had any luck yet unfortunately. These are the pipes I am talking about here in the pic. Thanks in advance!
  8. Well Ive got a bit more done on the truck this year, winter slowed me down a bit since I dont really have any shop to work in. But since then Ive gotten the interior about 90% finished. I put another air ride seat on the passengers side, finished the wiring, put all new gauges in the dash, wired in a fused accessory block for added electrical circuits like work lights, strobe lights, a radio, etc. I still have to put the headliner back in, and put the card board curtain back in the lower half of the back of the cab, paint the doors, and a couple small things here and there. On the outside I bit the bullet and bought 6 new 24.5 tires and rims and mounted them up, put a new front bumper and grill guard on, and welded up a set of diamond plate rear fenders and mounted some new led tail lights in them. I also changed all of the lines and hoses over to new ones under the hood since the old ones were in such bad shape, and started to mock up a visor and some new air horns. I officially put the truck on the road the beginning of this month, and was finally able to stretch its legs a bit out on the road. My pinion seal started to leak a little, which was the only leak on the truck, so I pulled that apart sunday and I am getting a new seal today after work. Its getting really close, i just have a little bit of body work to do and it should be ready to paint. I will try to get some pictures uploaded when I get home.
  9. Thanks! We had about an hours ride on all backroads taking it slow. I wouldnt chance going on a highway like that but it handled it ok on the backroads. It was definitely heavy, that trailer empty probably weighs 7k lbs or so. It will be alot better once my 6 wheeler and lowbed are on the road this summer.
  10. Thank you very much for the offer! We actually just got ahold of some tires and rims this weekend, but thank you anyways
  11. Ok thank you I wasnt sure, I havent gone out and really looked to be sure since we brought it home. And I always liked the big square air cleaners on these for some reason, I just wonder if you can still get filter elements for them, I should look into that . That makes sense, thanks for the info!
  12. Was there any advantage/disadvantage to this "eagle claw" suspension? Ive never heard of it before so im just curious. I really lucked out on doors, getting 2 complete doors rust free for 200/each. I know they are getting harder to find it seems
  13. Was there any advantage/disadvantage to this "eagle claw" suspension? Ive never heard of it before so im just curious. I really lucked out on doors, getting 2 complete doors rust free for 200/each. I know they are getting harder to find it seems
  14. Dang thats a bummer! Day late and a dollar short
  15. Thanks guys, I cant wait to get her fixed up, I see alot of pontential left and just cant bring myself to part it out. I love the fenders too, theyre pretty heavy and whoever built them did a really nice job. A bit of polishing and they will be like brand new. We are slowly going to pick away at it over the summer. I am getting my '66 r model close to being finished so i need to wrap that one up before me and my buddy dig too deep into this one. We are hoping to have both trucks with plows on them ready for next winter to put them to a little use in their retirement. Haha no that was my friends father. He spent alot of time behind the wheel of old Macks so he loves them as much as we do!
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