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Everything posted by wheeler73

  1. Does the EML come on? Most likely electrical. I have seen a lot of issues with the pump connector and wiring. Wiggle the pump connector and wiring with the truck running and see if it cuts out.
  2. Well how did the job turn out?
  3. My alignment guy said its good. Unfortunately its hard to change camber as it is factory set. The only way is to bend the beam which Mack does not allow.
  4. Sorry I didn't get back yesterday. My alignment guy says the toe and caster are a little off and might cause some wonder. He asked me if the inspection procedure which is a bullitin for the twin Y suspension has been done? Also he would like the alignment measurments of the rears if possible.
  5. I will get with my alignment guy at the shop tomorrow and see what the specs are and let you know if he has any ideas.
  6. Yes but you stated thrust angles only. Caster is a separate steering angle that affects steering sensitvity and steering return to center on its own.
  7. Hey Macktech689 seen that once on a mp8 with a eroded #6 liner full of pin holes.
  8. Not sure but I think it is a calculation based on fuel rate, rpms, and throttle pedal position.
  9. Yes that is what I ment. Has the alignment been checked. If the caster is out it will cause the wander.
  10. Do you mean the ccv? If there is smoke coming out of it the dealer needs to check for blow by.
  11. Yes torque the head bolts to 220 lbft and no retorque needed. Agree on the power leash. Easy and works much better than jake brakes. I have always found jake brakes to be more of a nosie maker than anything.
  12. Oil intrusion and brittle wiring are issues. The engine has positive crankcase pressure which causes the problem. They have an updated oil level/temp sensor and pigtail and oil pressure sensor pigtails that help with the issue as those are both common. Also the oil will push through the injector wiring to the eecu. Have seen some injectors have intermittent issues. Also have seen new harnesses and old harnesses routed incorrectly over the enging brake solenoid and chaffe on the valve cover and also seen them routed incorrectly where they go into the head and rub on tye gear train.
  13. Mack has a steering stablizer kit that you can install that will help with that issue.
  14. I agree with the programming issue. I would reflash and program the eecu. If you have to take it to a dealership I would have them call and see if there are any data file upgrades and make sure the vecu is at step 12B.
  15. I forgot about that one staxx. I have also seen the radio 1939 comm wire rub through on the mru and leu in the roof area. To me it was stupid to run 1939 to the radio but what do I know I am not an engineer. I just rembered also unplug the turbo actuator is has 1939 com 2 wires to it but have seen strange issues with it also.
  16. On the engine brake sounds like mabe a bad solenoid or the assemblies need to be rebuilt. If they are Jake brakes there is an upgrade kit for them.
  17. Also could have a defective EECU. Have seen that also. If you have another EECU you can try it.
  18. It can go bad. I have seen the internal gear slip on the shaft. Also could be a module. Sometimes when they go bad there is no EML.
  19. There is vmac 3 software but you have to be on the dealer portal to download. Vmac 1&2 you have to use PTT unless you can find an old DOS computer and find the original software.
  20. Wiggle the wiring and connector while the truck is running and see if it faulters. As for the jakes you can apply 12v to the solenoid connector and it should engage. It should disengage whem the 12v is removed. The econovance does not affect the jakes directly but will cause poor engine brake performance if it is not advancing the timing.
  21. Must be the cooler weather as we don't see too much crystallization or def pump and doser failures here in Florida. I see more nox sensor failures more than anything.
  22. Does the EML come on. Have seen wiring to the pump cause intermittent issues?
  23. You can have a cracked washer in one of the injection pump delivery valves. Depending on which pump you have they can be replaced and the delivery valves resealed. Also can be an econovance solenoid which can be replaced easily.
  24. Well how did you make out?
  25. You could also have an econovance solenoid going bad.
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