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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 66dc75

  1. I just feel better now that the next time I need to stack up some trucks and chase a wolf through the fjords at night Volvo has me covered.
  2. 66dc75

    1956 B-42

    It started out as a gas job, gas motor B models didn't have tachs. At least I haven't seen one with a tach.
  3. Got the cab back panel made up ready to go, covered the seat bases with black vinyl.
  4. Yup r model fender light
  5. This one is negative ground
  6. Looking good, thought you were hibernating
  7. Yeah I'm real bright, I'm 6'6" and I built the pickup with a concave cab and then bought a short cab R. I can stretch out in the Autocar though.
  8. Trial fitting of seats maybe I should have gone for a plus 4 cab. Good thing I was too cheap to buy the armrests option
  9. Yup just dropped the drive shaft and bell housing off at the machine shop. We need to use the small bellhousing but it's an early steel one that doesn't have the big enough reliefs for the later counter shaft bearings cut into it. I would rather use the the steel one than the aluminum anyway. Have to go pick up the new 8 bolt straight cut gear pto today as the 6 speed used a six bolt with spiral cut gears. Why can't they all use the same accessories ? PITA I think I'm running out of stuff to buy ar modify for this thank God. I'll build a rear support after its all done or see if I can find something in a junkyard. The twin countershafts wil eat some power to turn but I'm confident that it will be a much better setup.
  10. I'm hoping for the same results, The 9 and the 8 are pretty much the same except for the LL. I'm just sick of winding it out to 2400rpm and then having it fall flat on the upshift. It'll also be nice to be able to go a little faster than 64mph
  11. Actually plans changed and I'll be using a RTX12609 so the noise and old age of the trans won't be a problem. It's getting a rear mount as soon as possible, we were talking about that yesterday.
  12. Jim, not even sure it could do that right
  13. Best laid plans......... The 13 speed needed a few things that are getting hard to come by now that is an antique, I had 3 roadrangers given to me, one was a rtx12609 which looks to be a much better choice for this and will give me the overdrive I want so it's going in. Just need to get a new PTO though and a new driveshaft yoke. It was time to do the clutch anyway and the six speed sucked to live with, anybody want to buy it?😀
  14. Basic seats inc midbacks. Cheapest priced ones but they are comfortable
  15. Thanks Tim, I did it for noise but it might help block some heat, The vinyl that's going on the firewall has some foam bonded to it so that should help too,
  16. Steering column out for painting and the new wheel. New seats came in, roll of embossed vinyl for the firewall door panels and can back came in. I've had a couple of truck speaker boxes under a bench for at least 15 years finally will have home for them. I plan on connectiing them together spaced apart to install a stereo and cb in between and use as a center console between the seats. Anybody know how to get the headliner down without cracking it? I'd like to dynamat the roof and change the air horn but it doesn't want to pop out. I really don't want to break it. Also found a dash panel on Craigslist that had a mack speedo and tach, my existing speedo doesn't have a bulldog and the tach is for a later truck. Dash came with a bulldog hood ornament and a really nice DM800 nameplate for 50 bucks,
  17. Won't be any surprises internally this way I guess
  18. I think you dodged a big bullet there Paul. Sounds like you would have had an empty wallet and an empty garage
  19. Hi Bob The consensus is it will work, 1 3/4" input shaft and small bellhousing., My first crane truck had a 210hp DT that had a rt910 behind it, worked great. I've got the old timer truck mechanic doing this for me that converted my Louisville 3208 cat from an allison to a 910 and that worked out good too although obviously didn't gain any top end speed.. This one should get me rolling a little faster.
  20. Whoever came up with that Fuller 6 speed should be brought around back and beaten severely
  21. The rto was free Just needs a couple things replaced
  22. I was just wondering if anyone in here has ever run an RTO9513 behind a 3126 Cat? KW T300 single axle 250 hp 3126 which has a fuller 6 speed which is horrible to live with. It's time for a new clutch and I have the 13 speed. They came from the factory with 9 speeds so I figure a little bit of overdrive can't hurt.
  23. Makes me miss my Astro Shouldn't have sold it
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