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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 66dc75

  1. I think I'm getting to more than 1/2. If I ever attempted to do something like this at home I wouldn't wake up the next morning.
  2. 7mil white polyethylene. Supposed to be able to get 4-5 years out of it. It's the same stuff they shrink wrap boats with and make backyard skating rinks out of.
  3. It had a scratch on it right out of the crate, they had to send another one and I figured I would hang it up in the shop, probably going to hang it on the side of the shipping contaner after I get the tent complete.
  4. Got the frame up today. If good weather holds out should be able to finish it up except the doors in a day
  5. Ginsberg will probably arrange for her aides to do a Weekend at Bernie's and tie her upright in a chair and hope nobody notices.
  6. It's the most wonderful time of the year!
  7. 20" tubed = 22.5 tubeless 22" tubed = 24.5 tubeless 24" tubed - 24" tubed there is no tubeless
  8. Love that color, would like to do that on my R two tone with white.
  9. On my R the outside 2 cab lights come on with the parking lights and the center 3 come on with the clearance lights
  10. He sold Aran which was a shipping container business and moved across the street buying and selling trucks. He's got some good stuff inside that tent, I really wanted the R model glider kit with a 300 and an 8 speed but it was just a little too expensive for me. I believe he had it painted and sold it. These pics are from 2 years ago.
  11. Thing is a beast. No floorboard, some brakes, and sometimes won't turn left but it sounds cool.
  12. Yup if I don't get voted out of office
  13. landed 1/2" off over 40 feet not too bad
  14. My 2015 Transit has 42K on it, nothing more than oil changes and a recall on the driveshaft. Been really good to me so far but the battery under the seat is a pretty crappy spot for it. I can back up what Bob says about rusty Sprinters around here see them all the time. That silly looking rear axle on the Ram Promaster makes it look like a utility trailer from the back.
  15. I ran out of space inside the shop a while ago and wanted to get the overflow out of the weather. I'm too cheap to buy a new tent or rent more space so I bought a used 40' x 32' greenhouse from an out of business nursery down the street. Needed to move our storage containers to serve as walls so I had my neighbor who rents containers out drive over with his detroit powered Clark. The gray container has a 67 Dart GT, a couple of compressors and a lot of plywood and stuff in it. The forklift picked it up 6 feet like it was empty but he hit a rut backing up and the rear wheels came off the ground about a foot or so. Container stayed on the forks but that was interesting. Got it all positioned right and everything will fit inside. Hopefully have the tent if not the doors done by Christmas as long as I can keep the customers at bay.
  16. I think this calls for an investigation
  17. 66dc75


    We've been lucky so far nothing on the ground and nothing forecast in the next couple of weeks. Just bought a 40 x 32 heavy duty greenhouse frame that I'm going to mount between 2 shipping containers so I can get everything under cover before the snow flies. Gotta work fast.
  18. 66dc75


    looks great Bob what's that crap all over the ground?
  19. 99 percent positive I saw a red Pete with D. Rounds lettered on the door this morning on 128. Shocking and traumatic.
  20. Sort of like Netflix you get the whole season all at once.
  21. I don't understand GM, they always insist on sticking the engine under the dash
  22. 66dc75

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    Just curious. Did you ever make it to Brockton to the chassis shop?
  23. Are you shrinking the size of your photos before posting? I have to resize them to 20% of original size.
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