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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 66dc75

  1. Anybody have a couple of the wedge shaped chrome collars and retaining nuts for the wiper shaft posts on a B model? Probably the last thing I need to find for this truck. I doubt there are any floating around but it's worth a shot. Punch list for this thing is getting whittled down, relays for the head lights, relay for the power windows so the little lights in the switches don't kill the battery, got the AC working right (I had it overcharged) found the only thing I didn't replace in the front end (draglink) was worn out so replaced that and centered the steering wheel. Just got to get the wipers finished and I'll have to look for something else to do.
  2. Yup it's only a quarter mile down the stret to the old nissans
  3. Got Red Robins in Plymouth Wareham, Foxboro and Braintree. I'm sure you remember where those towns are Bob. All the steak fries you can eat but they bring only 3 at a time
  4. The chassis came with a plow but I had some sense slapped into me and I got rid of it.
  5. Saw all these within a mile of each other on the same street this morning. Brockways belong to Gomer's Trucking, the front one was at Macungie this year I think for the first time. It was on it's way to be scrapped a few years back and it got saved.
  6. Yup a nice stainless v blade Fischer minute mount
  7. Thanks, leaving the boxes as is for now
  8. Had a little time this week and got the running boards painted and ready to put on the truck.
  9. I've got a 2015 extended medium height with 3.7 natural aspirated, awesome van no problems for the 3 years I've had it. I could really use the 3 across seat though, can't understand why they couldn't offer that here.
  10. power washing the engine
  11. Barry told me he had someone lined up to make them until they demanded a minimum order of I believe he said one thousand units. I think that would mean everybody with a B Model would have to pony up and buy one. Don't think that's gonna happen.
  12. Looks good Bob 👍
  13. Little bit of useless Brockton trivia. The building Johns racecraft is in was owned by Wayne Arms who owned the Wayroc C600 that went to Australia. Building still owned by his family as Wayne passed away last fall.
  14. Yup Rocky and Marvin Hagler. My first house (where my ex wife still lives) is one street over from the house that Marciano grew up in and 4 houses away from Hagler's mother's house. It's also about a ten minute walk to John's racecraft from that house.
  15. Gotta stop by my shop Paul. I'm 5 minutes from the Brockton line in West Bridgewater. I lived in Brockton my whole life until 2014
  16. Oooh my Autocar is next to it. Actually it came to that show on a trailer behind the 3000 due to a plugged up radiator.
  17. 66dc75

    Should I?

    The loader was home built by previous owner. He is usually way high on his prices. I think 2500 is more realistic althoigh it come with a spare pump and hydraulic motor and a set of brand new hoses even though it has all new hoses already on it.
  18. 66dc75

    Should I?

    A used car dealer that I'm friendly with had this out front for sale today. My wife wants me to get rid of the stockpile of grass clippings in the back corner of the yard but my skidsteer will just tear up the lawn too much. But if I had this........ He wants $3500 seems pretty high priced.
  19. And less chance of your flip flops slipping off too
  20. Automatics make it easier to text
  21. I didn't get my Scrapple OR Yocco's!
  22. Tee shirt please😃
  23. I had a driver deliver to me one day and pull a u turn out of the parking lot. Ran over one of my employee's Silverado and dragged it into the other two employee's cars. What a s#!t show.
  24. What drives me bat shit crazy is the village idiots who can see a coned off lane closure from a mile away but refuse to change lanes until the very last second just before they hit the cones. I'm usually the guy getting cut off.
  25. Zina seemed to be a very nice lady. She's a keeper.
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