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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 66dc75

  1. Thanks, I'm almost there. Now I'll have to come up with another project, probably an R model paint job
  2. 2 stroke noise????
  3. Got the tailights mounted and cut a stencil for the tailgate. A friend of mine that pinstripes and hand letters is coming by tomorrow to possibly lay down some striping. Should have the bumpers and running boards done very soon. Hooked my new to me R model to the Shertzer for the first time, I like how it looks.
  4. Paul, very sorry for your loss
  5. I can check tailgate off the list.
  6. I dunno, but holesawing the back fender for the fuel filler made me nervous but everything turned out good. Not really major progress but I was procrastinating about this.
  7. Wow talk about an unreasonable rule, so if you blow the motor or tranny and need to save up to fix it or if you do your own work and you need a part that is backordered or hard to find, then you are fined or your vehicle towed away???!!! Jackbooted imbecile thugs.
  8. happy birthday!
  9. Bumper brakets welded to tube and bolted to frame, got the tailgate frame positioned so hinge mounting holes can be drilled and tapped.
  10. My B67 that I sold a couple of years ago was originally a Hemingway tractor delivered to New Bedford. I pretty much saw a Nashua Motor Express truck every day running around Rt128,
  11. Tailgate frame pieces cut up.
  12. It's only a 7" blade and it definitely runs slower than my abrasive saw.
  13. I don't know Michigan law but if you are registered with antique plates in Ma., it is no longer legally a commercial vehicle, that might help in fighting them. Is it registered? Good luck.
  14. That's a manly spring pack on that truck.
  15. I was just being a wise ass
  16. Thanks, Its a carbide chip blade. I've had other ones before but this little one works the best. They said replacements are about $40
  17. Jim, I wonder if that has rail gear on it now for Edaville?
  18. So moving right along with this thing. I ordered a little Trajan metal chop saw. This saw really works, it went right through channel iron, square tube and 1" steel rod. Capped the ends of a piece of 6" square tube for a back bumper, welded up the taillight mounts an started in on cutting material for the tailgate. Now that the weather finally broke I have a lot more ambition to stay after work a couple of hours a day and get something done.
  19. 😉 No more ideas, I'm too close to the finish line
  20. Fenders done and on the truck, might have to repaint the right one again but I would say it's all downhill from here
  21. That one has been sitting in a drawer for 20 years waiting for the right spot for it
  22. Looks like a phone booth with wheels
  23. Could have used a gentler scrub pad but need patience for that. It'll buff out fine and I'll cut some vinyl and get my name on it next week. 32 years in the sign business and still haven't learned to hand letter yet.
  24. I got the oven cleaner and scotchbrite pads out and stripped the lettering off the R a couple of nights ago and was able to buff 1 door. Looks ok straight on but not so great at an angle so I'll have to get some heavier cut compound and hit it again, only problem, is now I'll have to do the whole truck to match
  25. So got the fenders painted, no matter how much sanding and staring and priming and sanding, I never can see how bad of a job I did until there is paint laid on. After first coat found a whole lot of tiny craters that needed attention, so took care of that, sanded them down and painted again.It was probably the nicest weather since last fall; and the overhead door was open. Sprayed on a wet coat and said to myself I should shut the door, too late big gust of wind and I had a popcorn finish. Dad always said, if it's worth doing then it's worth doing 3 times. Also was able to gut up some scrap tube and channel for tail light brackets and got to work on the 3rd brake light.
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